Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
They say that the Subconscious Mind cannot process verbalized just simply does not hear them...I don't know how they know that, but everything that I've read by those who are experts in the field of studying the Subconscious says the same thing, so apparently it's true...
For instance, if you say to a child "I really don't want you to eat that candy before dinner!", the child's Subconscious Mind actually only hears, "I really want you to eat that candy before dinner!"...
Or if you say "I definitely do not want to overeat tonight at the pizza place!", your Subconscious hears "I definitely want to overeat tonight at the pizza place!"...
In these two examples, both the words “don't” and "not" leave the subconscious, and deep down you only think about eating the pizza, and the kid only thinks about eating the candy...this is one of the reasons children often do exactly the opposite of what we tell them not to do...obviously, sometimes they are just testing us when they do the opposite, but often it is simply because their Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind have not connected the dots...we have to train them (and ourselves) to correctly to fill in the blank...
It is also imperative that you never structure any positive affirmation that you make in the negative (such as "I don't want to be broke anymore")...there are good reasons for being aware of this...first of all, by placing your focus on "Not Wanting" to be broke you are really inadvertently focusing your attention on being broke, even if you don't realize that your concentration is being misguided...the Subconscious just isn't wired to recognize the negative contraction, "Don't" only picks up that you "Want" to be broke...
Always be sure to structure your affirmations in the positive, with the placement of your focus on the intended fact "Want" is a word that you'll probably want to leave out of your positive affirmation, altogether, because "Want" ultimately implies the KJV (King James Version) it says, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", but many better, more modern and more accurate translations say something like, "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need"... if nothing else, you can replace "Want" with "Desire", and get much better results...
And to further aid your prayers/intentions/affirmations, it's beneficial to avoid the use of words that state “negatives” and “negations” completely, because they confuse the power of the affirmation within your prayers...I don't want to get too technical about this and make it sound like some religious ritual, or influence you to become legalistic about it all, but, honestly, words are really just too powerful and creative to underestimate them even a little, I think...
I get asked this question a lot, and I've taught on it recently, but in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus says something in the KJV that just never sounded right to the King's Elizabethan translation it says, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"...that just never resonated with my spirit when I read it or said it, and I've learned over the years that my spirit is most times more trustworthy than is the text of the have to know how to trust your heart in these matters...if it doesn't bear witness with you, you need to check it out and find out I studied this phrase in the original language, and found that what Jesus actually said there was something more like "And deliver us from the hour of our testing and trial", or "Keep us from the day of calamity"...big difference...Jesus always spoke in the affirmative...
In other words, it's best to avoid the use of “no,” “not,” “none,” etc...pretty much any "N-word" is advisable to steer clear of...always a good idea to omit those...instead of praying, “Lord, don’t let bad things happen to me today”, you could say, “Lord, keep me safe today.”...or if you're more of an "intention" person, "I will be safe today!"
The prayers or intentions have essentially the same meaning to English speakers, but the word construction makes the prayer with no N-word infinitely more powerful through the Law(s) of Attraction...while the former is impotent, and potentially even counterproductive, the latter is a prayer/intention that is suited to how the Subconscious actually works...
Some highly credible sources have even claimed that “negative” words are not even recognized in prayer, so the first prayer would instead be interpreted without its negative word as “Lord, LET bad things happen to me”...remember, Life AND death are in the power of the tongue!
This change is a very minor tweaking of the way you pray or make affirmations that can have a HUGE effect on how and what you manifest...
Just remember...always keep it positive!
For instance, if you say to a child "I really don't want you to eat that candy before dinner!", the child's Subconscious Mind actually only hears, "I really want you to eat that candy before dinner!"...
Or if you say "I definitely do not want to overeat tonight at the pizza place!", your Subconscious hears "I definitely want to overeat tonight at the pizza place!"...
In these two examples, both the words “don't” and "not" leave the subconscious, and deep down you only think about eating the pizza, and the kid only thinks about eating the candy...this is one of the reasons children often do exactly the opposite of what we tell them not to do...obviously, sometimes they are just testing us when they do the opposite, but often it is simply because their Subconscious Mind and Conscious Mind have not connected the dots...we have to train them (and ourselves) to correctly to fill in the blank...
It is also imperative that you never structure any positive affirmation that you make in the negative (such as "I don't want to be broke anymore")...there are good reasons for being aware of this...first of all, by placing your focus on "Not Wanting" to be broke you are really inadvertently focusing your attention on being broke, even if you don't realize that your concentration is being misguided...the Subconscious just isn't wired to recognize the negative contraction, "Don't" only picks up that you "Want" to be broke...
Always be sure to structure your affirmations in the positive, with the placement of your focus on the intended fact "Want" is a word that you'll probably want to leave out of your positive affirmation, altogether, because "Want" ultimately implies the KJV (King James Version) it says, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", but many better, more modern and more accurate translations say something like, "Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need"... if nothing else, you can replace "Want" with "Desire", and get much better results...
And to further aid your prayers/intentions/affirmations, it's beneficial to avoid the use of words that state “negatives” and “negations” completely, because they confuse the power of the affirmation within your prayers...I don't want to get too technical about this and make it sound like some religious ritual, or influence you to become legalistic about it all, but, honestly, words are really just too powerful and creative to underestimate them even a little, I think...
I get asked this question a lot, and I've taught on it recently, but in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus says something in the KJV that just never sounded right to the King's Elizabethan translation it says, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil"...that just never resonated with my spirit when I read it or said it, and I've learned over the years that my spirit is most times more trustworthy than is the text of the have to know how to trust your heart in these matters...if it doesn't bear witness with you, you need to check it out and find out I studied this phrase in the original language, and found that what Jesus actually said there was something more like "And deliver us from the hour of our testing and trial", or "Keep us from the day of calamity"...big difference...Jesus always spoke in the affirmative...
In other words, it's best to avoid the use of “no,” “not,” “none,” etc...pretty much any "N-word" is advisable to steer clear of...always a good idea to omit those...instead of praying, “Lord, don’t let bad things happen to me today”, you could say, “Lord, keep me safe today.”...or if you're more of an "intention" person, "I will be safe today!"
The prayers or intentions have essentially the same meaning to English speakers, but the word construction makes the prayer with no N-word infinitely more powerful through the Law(s) of Attraction...while the former is impotent, and potentially even counterproductive, the latter is a prayer/intention that is suited to how the Subconscious actually works...
Some highly credible sources have even claimed that “negative” words are not even recognized in prayer, so the first prayer would instead be interpreted without its negative word as “Lord, LET bad things happen to me”...remember, Life AND death are in the power of the tongue!
This change is a very minor tweaking of the way you pray or make affirmations that can have a HUGE effect on how and what you manifest...
Just remember...always keep it positive!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
The world is a beautiful place...
I hope that's what you see...I hope that's the reality that you observe...I hope that you view the Universe as your ally, and not as your enemy, but if that's not the way you see it, it's not my place to judge you because of have a right to see whatever you see...if you don't see what I see, or if your observation of the Infinite Quantum Field of Potential is different from mine, then it just is what it is...the only way that I will ever try to convince you to see it otherwise is if you come to me for help, and I'd really like to help if I can...
People throw the word "Namaste" around a lot these days, and I'm not sure that they all understand what it's a part of what Wikipedia says about it:
Namaste ( NAH-məs-tay; Hindi: [nəməsteː], sometimes expressed as Namaskar or Namaskaram, is a customary greeting when individuals meet or farewell. It is a form of greeting commonly found among people of South Asia, in some Southeast Asian countries, and diaspora from these regions. Namaste is spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest. This gesture is called Añjali Mudrā or Pranamasana. In Hinduism it means "I bow to the divine in you."
Another definition of it that I have read and heard many times is this: "That which is sacred in me honors that which is sacred in you."
This is how I personally interpret it: "I am on my own journey, finding my own answers, walking with my God as I know and understand "Him" (or "Her" or "It" or maybe nothing or no one at all), and that part of me that is reaching for transcendence and trying to understand this life respects and honors your journey, your search, your God (or lack, thereof), and if your experience is different from mine, then so be don't have to be wrong for me to be right, because in the end it's really not about who was right and who was wrong...let us be at peace with one another!"
If I have an influence on you, I hope that it's a positive one, but I can only teach you what you're ready to learn...furthermore, I'm not convinced that anyone ever really teaches anyone anything, truth be told...the definition of "education" is "to draw out"...the best that anyone can do for anyone else, including me for you, is to draw out of you what you already know on some level...or maybe to confirm something that you've already thought...maybe we knew each other before we got here and both agreed to meet up at some point, and that's why my words resonate with you...maybe we talked about these things already...who knows? But I do have the need to communicate with someone on this level, and if you perceive that I am a worthy teacher or positive influence in your life, then I am happy and blessed to know it!
Of course I still have enough ego to hope that everyone sees me that way, in all honesty, but I can't make you or anyone else see me the way that I think I am or hope or aspire to're going to see me however you see me, and there's very little I can do to change that...people saw Jesus the way they saw Him, and they had very different experiences with Him because of those varying observations...He was basically powerless in His own home town because of the town's collective vision of Him ("Is not this Joseph the Carpenter's son?)"...if there are roughly 7 billion people currently living on the earth, then there are at least 7 billion different realities in which each of those individuals is living...
I'm not a scientist, and don't claim to be one, but the things about Quantum Physics that make sense to me on some level, and seem to flow with my knowledge of spiritual things are very interesting to me, and I like to talk about them...I assume that you're at least somewhat interested in them, too, or you wouldn't be reading this...
I've sort of opted out of the Christian church world, but I'm not against it...without sounding pretentious (hopefully) I feel like I've just outgrown it...doesn't mean I'm superior to anyone else, just in a very different place...but I don't want to abandon everything that I once believed...the part of me that believes in the concept of a "Ministry of Reconciliation" wants to bridge the gap between belief systems and find ways for people to walk in harmony, even if they aren't in the same spiritual place...
I do believe in God, and I love the Jesus that I know and believe in...and, yes, I know all about Horus and the similarities in his story/myth and the Jesus narrative...and I know about Dionysus and the wine and the roots of the Eucharist...and I know about how the Adam and Eve story existed in other ancient religions centuries before the Bible...and it's not even interesting to me to try to debate these things one way or the other...I very definitely believe in the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit, which is one reason I am particularly proud of my Pentecostal/Charismatic heritage (even with the legalism and all the crazy stuff that came along with those movements)...I believe in the Gifts of the Spirit...
I believe in miracles, and in the power of prayer...I've had too many things come to pass that I've prayed for not to believe in that, even though I have no problem referring to it as the power of intention...same thing...I know what it's like to feel the presence of God, and I believe that it is real when I experience it...
And I believe in love...
For me, personally, the Bible is what I know, particularly the protestant canon...I don't think it's infallible (see previous post), but I love it and know it as something that has been an important part of my life for my entire life, so I still use it as a point of reference, and probably always will...I've never tried to pull off any kind of theological hoax, and even back in the day when I was a bishop and a full-time pastor of a mega-church, I tried to be sensitive to people who maybe weren't where I was theologically when I evolved away from believing certain things that I had been taught...I'm not saying that I always fully succeeded in doing that, but it was always my intention...
So now I've created an environment where I can talk about Jesus if I want to and quote the Bible, if for no other reason than the fact that it is so familiar to me, but I don't feel obligated to hold to certain "truths" that simply don't work for me any more...I'm not angry with anyone who is not in the flow with me on this, but I'm especially grateful for the ones in my life who are! One thing I can tell you, I've never been happier or more at peace in my life...I am who I am, with nothing to hide, and I believe what I believe, with nothing to hide...that's why I can say that the world is a beautiful place...I am very glad to be alive!
I have to make a living, and talking about spiritual things and helping people has been what I have done for most of my life, and the way that I have created in an income for myself, but I want to believe that my desire to still "minister" to people (for lack of a better word) is sincere, and not just about doing what I know to do to pay the bills...if that's all it is, I would rather opt out of that, too...
But something in me - a Voice that speaks to me on the inside that I call God or Spirit or Source still tells me things to say or write to people that somehow makes their lives better, and being able to still hear that Voice is the greatest thing in my life...I hope that whatever "gift" I have is genuine, and that whatever influence I have had on people has made their lives at least a little better...I've believed that for too long, and can't "un-believe" it!...
If you are a Christian, I love you...Namaste! If you love the cross and the blood and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, I love you...Namaste! If you believe that it's the end of the world and that Jesus is about to return, I love you...Namaste! I hope you're not right, but if you are, I'm still good! If you are a part of another religion, I love you...Namaste! I respect your heritage and your tradition and your religious identity! If you call yourself "spiritual" but not a Christian, I get it and I relate to where you are and I identify with you and I love you...Namaste! If you are an atheist, I love you...Namaste! Your personal journey or belief system (or lack thereof) is not a deal-breaker for me, and we probably agree on many things...I believe in God, but I also believe in you, and respect your thoughts and ideas, even on the very existence of God...
If you are a person in my life who has been blessed or positively influenced by whatever it is that I do, and you are an active part of my life still, I love you and I appreciate you and I need you...Namaste, Namaste, Namaste to you!!!
Without you I don't know for sure who I complete me, and I hope I complete you!
Namaste to you, and I hope to see you Sunday at Metron...
Peace to all!
I hope that's what you see...I hope that's the reality that you observe...I hope that you view the Universe as your ally, and not as your enemy, but if that's not the way you see it, it's not my place to judge you because of have a right to see whatever you see...if you don't see what I see, or if your observation of the Infinite Quantum Field of Potential is different from mine, then it just is what it is...the only way that I will ever try to convince you to see it otherwise is if you come to me for help, and I'd really like to help if I can...
People throw the word "Namaste" around a lot these days, and I'm not sure that they all understand what it's a part of what Wikipedia says about it:
Namaste ( NAH-məs-tay; Hindi: [nəməsteː], sometimes expressed as Namaskar or Namaskaram, is a customary greeting when individuals meet or farewell. It is a form of greeting commonly found among people of South Asia, in some Southeast Asian countries, and diaspora from these regions. Namaste is spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest. This gesture is called Añjali Mudrā or Pranamasana. In Hinduism it means "I bow to the divine in you."
Another definition of it that I have read and heard many times is this: "That which is sacred in me honors that which is sacred in you."
This is how I personally interpret it: "I am on my own journey, finding my own answers, walking with my God as I know and understand "Him" (or "Her" or "It" or maybe nothing or no one at all), and that part of me that is reaching for transcendence and trying to understand this life respects and honors your journey, your search, your God (or lack, thereof), and if your experience is different from mine, then so be don't have to be wrong for me to be right, because in the end it's really not about who was right and who was wrong...let us be at peace with one another!"
If I have an influence on you, I hope that it's a positive one, but I can only teach you what you're ready to learn...furthermore, I'm not convinced that anyone ever really teaches anyone anything, truth be told...the definition of "education" is "to draw out"...the best that anyone can do for anyone else, including me for you, is to draw out of you what you already know on some level...or maybe to confirm something that you've already thought...maybe we knew each other before we got here and both agreed to meet up at some point, and that's why my words resonate with you...maybe we talked about these things already...who knows? But I do have the need to communicate with someone on this level, and if you perceive that I am a worthy teacher or positive influence in your life, then I am happy and blessed to know it!
Of course I still have enough ego to hope that everyone sees me that way, in all honesty, but I can't make you or anyone else see me the way that I think I am or hope or aspire to're going to see me however you see me, and there's very little I can do to change that...people saw Jesus the way they saw Him, and they had very different experiences with Him because of those varying observations...He was basically powerless in His own home town because of the town's collective vision of Him ("Is not this Joseph the Carpenter's son?)"...if there are roughly 7 billion people currently living on the earth, then there are at least 7 billion different realities in which each of those individuals is living...
I'm not a scientist, and don't claim to be one, but the things about Quantum Physics that make sense to me on some level, and seem to flow with my knowledge of spiritual things are very interesting to me, and I like to talk about them...I assume that you're at least somewhat interested in them, too, or you wouldn't be reading this...
I've sort of opted out of the Christian church world, but I'm not against it...without sounding pretentious (hopefully) I feel like I've just outgrown it...doesn't mean I'm superior to anyone else, just in a very different place...but I don't want to abandon everything that I once believed...the part of me that believes in the concept of a "Ministry of Reconciliation" wants to bridge the gap between belief systems and find ways for people to walk in harmony, even if they aren't in the same spiritual place...
![]() |
In the Upper Room - Jerusalem |
I believe in miracles, and in the power of prayer...I've had too many things come to pass that I've prayed for not to believe in that, even though I have no problem referring to it as the power of intention...same thing...I know what it's like to feel the presence of God, and I believe that it is real when I experience it...
And I believe in love...
For me, personally, the Bible is what I know, particularly the protestant canon...I don't think it's infallible (see previous post), but I love it and know it as something that has been an important part of my life for my entire life, so I still use it as a point of reference, and probably always will...I've never tried to pull off any kind of theological hoax, and even back in the day when I was a bishop and a full-time pastor of a mega-church, I tried to be sensitive to people who maybe weren't where I was theologically when I evolved away from believing certain things that I had been taught...I'm not saying that I always fully succeeded in doing that, but it was always my intention...
So now I've created an environment where I can talk about Jesus if I want to and quote the Bible, if for no other reason than the fact that it is so familiar to me, but I don't feel obligated to hold to certain "truths" that simply don't work for me any more...I'm not angry with anyone who is not in the flow with me on this, but I'm especially grateful for the ones in my life who are! One thing I can tell you, I've never been happier or more at peace in my life...I am who I am, with nothing to hide, and I believe what I believe, with nothing to hide...that's why I can say that the world is a beautiful place...I am very glad to be alive!
I have to make a living, and talking about spiritual things and helping people has been what I have done for most of my life, and the way that I have created in an income for myself, but I want to believe that my desire to still "minister" to people (for lack of a better word) is sincere, and not just about doing what I know to do to pay the bills...if that's all it is, I would rather opt out of that, too...
But something in me - a Voice that speaks to me on the inside that I call God or Spirit or Source still tells me things to say or write to people that somehow makes their lives better, and being able to still hear that Voice is the greatest thing in my life...I hope that whatever "gift" I have is genuine, and that whatever influence I have had on people has made their lives at least a little better...I've believed that for too long, and can't "un-believe" it!...
If you are a Christian, I love you...Namaste! If you love the cross and the blood and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, I love you...Namaste! If you believe that it's the end of the world and that Jesus is about to return, I love you...Namaste! I hope you're not right, but if you are, I'm still good! If you are a part of another religion, I love you...Namaste! I respect your heritage and your tradition and your religious identity! If you call yourself "spiritual" but not a Christian, I get it and I relate to where you are and I identify with you and I love you...Namaste! If you are an atheist, I love you...Namaste! Your personal journey or belief system (or lack thereof) is not a deal-breaker for me, and we probably agree on many things...I believe in God, but I also believe in you, and respect your thoughts and ideas, even on the very existence of God...
If you are a person in my life who has been blessed or positively influenced by whatever it is that I do, and you are an active part of my life still, I love you and I appreciate you and I need you...Namaste, Namaste, Namaste to you!!!
Without you I don't know for sure who I complete me, and I hope I complete you!
Namaste to you, and I hope to see you Sunday at Metron...
Peace to all!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Jesus said, "The words that I speak are SPIRIT and they are LIFE"...think about it...He said that His words were actually "spirit"...that they were living, vibrating entities or things that carried life-creating energy within them...
Spiitual communication can only happen spirit to spirit...when Jeremiah prophesied the New Covenant, he had a vision of a people who had God's laws written on their hearts, not on paper, or on tablets of stone...
David said that the heavens, not any written documents, or any sheets of papyrus, but the very atmosphere above us DECLARES the glory of God...
John talked about having an anointing that causes us to know all anointing...not chapters and verses of a written text...
Jesus told His disciples the that Holy Spirit would lead them into ALL TRUTH...He never told them to wait for a collection of books that would be written many years later by 40 men to lead them into it...
Paul, who made it a point to differentiate between what he wrote that he believed was from God, and the part of his writings which were his own personal opinion about things, said these words to the Corinthian church: "who has also qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, which is not written but spiritual, because the written text brings death, but the Spirit gives life."
"not pertaining to the result of that which is written down"...
"not having its source in the effect of a written text"...
"the result of writing something into a text repeatedly puts away in death"...
In the beginning was the WORD, not the BIBLE!
I love and appreciate the Bible for what it is, but I personally believe that the men who wrote the Scriptures would be shocked and appalled at the phenomenon of modern Bibliolatry, and how it is used today as a device of division and a weapon of death...I think they would be surprised to see it quoted as THE Word of God...
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity...the Bible is not a book!!!...there is no single "Bible", and many Bibles with varying contents exist in the world...
The term Bible is shared between Judaism and Christianity, although the contents of each of their collections of canonical texts is not the same...different religious groups include different books within their Biblical canons, in different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, or incorporate additional material into canonical books...
The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, contains twenty-four books divided into three parts: the five books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law"), the Nevi'im ("prophets"), and the Ketuvim ("writings")...
Christian Bibles range from the sixty-six books of the Protestant canon to the eighty-one books of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church canon...the first part of Christian Bibles is the Old Testament, which contains, at minimum, the twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible divided into thirty-nine books and ordered differently from the Hebrew Bible...
The Catholic Church and Eastern Christian churches also hold certain deuterocanonical books and passages to be part of the Old Testament canon...
The second part is the New Testament, containing twenty-seven books: the four Canonical gospels, Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one Epistles or letters, and the Book of Revelation...
An early 4th-century Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible is found in the Codex from the 8th century, the Codex Amiatinus is the earliest surviving manuscript of the complete Vulgate Bible....he oldest Tanakh manuscript in Hebrew and Aramaic dates to the 10th century CE...
The Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Stephen Langton and into verses in the 16th century by French printer (for printing purposes) Robert Estienne and is now usually cited by book, chapter, and verse...
The real Word of God is eternal...we live by every word that PROCEEDS (present tense) out of the mouth of say that God could only speak through 40 men during a 1,500 year period to the nation of Israel is both short-sighted and insulting to the very nature of an eternal, omnipotent, living God...
The Scriptures are inspired, but they must be read in context and rightly divided...
They are not infallible, and never claimed to be...
God is a Spirit, and they who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH...
Trust the Spirit for the MIND OF CHRIST for Truth...discern what has been written and accept it for what it is, and know that men of old could be inspired and still not have all the answers, or know all the truth...understand that their obvious revelation was no doubt inspired, but was filtered through the paradigm and the prejudices of the very human men who wrote them...discern the difference between the LOGOS word and the RHEMA word, and trust your your your own love for God, and your own personal experience with Him...
Respect the Scriptures, but not as much as you do the Word which is written on your heart by the Spirit of God!
God is speaking through the Bible and other spiritual texts, but He is also speaking everywhere in the Universe...
God is speaking through nature...
God is speaking through science...
God is speaking through human relationships...
God is speaking to you, heart to heart...
Let him or her who has an ear, hear...
Spiitual communication can only happen spirit to spirit...when Jeremiah prophesied the New Covenant, he had a vision of a people who had God's laws written on their hearts, not on paper, or on tablets of stone...
David said that the heavens, not any written documents, or any sheets of papyrus, but the very atmosphere above us DECLARES the glory of God...
John talked about having an anointing that causes us to know all anointing...not chapters and verses of a written text...
Jesus told His disciples the that Holy Spirit would lead them into ALL TRUTH...He never told them to wait for a collection of books that would be written many years later by 40 men to lead them into it...
Paul, who made it a point to differentiate between what he wrote that he believed was from God, and the part of his writings which were his own personal opinion about things, said these words to the Corinthian church: "who has also qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, which is not written but spiritual, because the written text brings death, but the Spirit gives life."
(2 Corinthians 3:6 - ISV)..."
Think about these phrases from the passage in this translation..."which is not written but spiritual...", and "the written text brings death"...
Think about these phrases from the passage in this translation..."which is not written but spiritual...", and "the written text brings death"...
Here's the same passage from a translation that looks a little closer at the nuanced meaning of the Greek language: "Who also adequately qualifies us (or: made us fit, competent and sufficient) [to be] attending servants and dispensers of an arrangement that is new in quality (or: pertaining to a new kind of covenant that has a different character and is fresh and effective) – not of [the] letter (or: not pertaining to the result of that which is written down; not having its source in the effect of a written text), but in contrast, of a Breath-effect (or: pertaining to the result of [the] Spirit; having its source in and being the effect of spirit and attitude), for the effect of letter habitually kills (or: the result of writing something into a text repeatedly puts away in death), yet the Spirit (or: the spirit; the breath-effect; the Attitude) continuously gives life (or: repeatedly makes alive; progressively forms life; habitually creates life)!"
(2 Corinthians 3:6 - JMNT)
Think about these phrases from the above passage, as well:
"not pertaining to the result of that which is written down"...
"not having its source in the effect of a written text"...
"the result of writing something into a text repeatedly puts away in death"...
In the beginning was the WORD, not the BIBLE!
I love and appreciate the Bible for what it is, but I personally believe that the men who wrote the Scriptures would be shocked and appalled at the phenomenon of modern Bibliolatry, and how it is used today as a device of division and a weapon of death...I think they would be surprised to see it quoted as THE Word of God...
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity...the Bible is not a book!!!...there is no single "Bible", and many Bibles with varying contents exist in the world...
The term Bible is shared between Judaism and Christianity, although the contents of each of their collections of canonical texts is not the same...different religious groups include different books within their Biblical canons, in different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, or incorporate additional material into canonical books...
The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, contains twenty-four books divided into three parts: the five books of the Torah ("teaching" or "law"), the Nevi'im ("prophets"), and the Ketuvim ("writings")...
Christian Bibles range from the sixty-six books of the Protestant canon to the eighty-one books of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church canon...the first part of Christian Bibles is the Old Testament, which contains, at minimum, the twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible divided into thirty-nine books and ordered differently from the Hebrew Bible...
The Catholic Church and Eastern Christian churches also hold certain deuterocanonical books and passages to be part of the Old Testament canon...
The second part is the New Testament, containing twenty-seven books: the four Canonical gospels, Acts of the Apostles, twenty-one Epistles or letters, and the Book of Revelation...
An early 4th-century Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible is found in the Codex from the 8th century, the Codex Amiatinus is the earliest surviving manuscript of the complete Vulgate Bible....he oldest Tanakh manuscript in Hebrew and Aramaic dates to the 10th century CE...
The Bible was divided into chapters in the 13th century by Stephen Langton and into verses in the 16th century by French printer (for printing purposes) Robert Estienne and is now usually cited by book, chapter, and verse...
The real Word of God is eternal...we live by every word that PROCEEDS (present tense) out of the mouth of say that God could only speak through 40 men during a 1,500 year period to the nation of Israel is both short-sighted and insulting to the very nature of an eternal, omnipotent, living God...
The Scriptures are inspired, but they must be read in context and rightly divided...
They are not infallible, and never claimed to be...
God is a Spirit, and they who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in TRUTH...
Trust the Spirit for the MIND OF CHRIST for Truth...discern what has been written and accept it for what it is, and know that men of old could be inspired and still not have all the answers, or know all the truth...understand that their obvious revelation was no doubt inspired, but was filtered through the paradigm and the prejudices of the very human men who wrote them...discern the difference between the LOGOS word and the RHEMA word, and trust your your your own love for God, and your own personal experience with Him...
Respect the Scriptures, but not as much as you do the Word which is written on your heart by the Spirit of God!
God is speaking through the Bible and other spiritual texts, but He is also speaking everywhere in the Universe...
God is speaking through nature...
God is speaking through science...
God is speaking through human relationships...
God is speaking to you, heart to heart...
Let him or her who has an ear, hear...
Monday, August 25, 2014
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Tracks left by charged particles in a bubble chamber |
His point was that small things that cannot be easily seen manifest themselves and affect things in this larger world where we live...remember how 'The Matrix' was about an unseen reality that was really controlling "reality" as we know it? reason that the teaching on faith and the understanding of Quantum Physics go hand in hand is that the importance of studying things so small that we cannot see them (yet) is verified in both science and spirituality...
Hebrews 11:3 says: "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" series at METRON this month is 'Spiritual Insight and the Observer Effect', and we've been talking about how God "observed" the Universe and then spoke it into existence...but before He spoke the words "Let there be light", the substance for light was there...the sound vibration of His words caused the substance to manifest and appear...we need to understand this because every day of our lives we are creating reality in the same way that God did in the original Creation...
Words are energy and energy affects and moves of the best teachings on Quantum Physics in history occurred when Jesus told His disciples that they could speak to the mountain and tell it to move into the sea, and the mountain would obey their words...your words are energy, and they affect the matter in your say what you see, and you have what you say...whatever you observe in the infinite Quantum Field collapses into reality, and the vibrations of energy that affect the atoms that make up whatever you observe are moving in some capacity at your command...everything you say creates some reality in some dimension somewhere, and eventually gets manifested in your world...
QP shows us that an electron that orbits the nucleus of an atom is not always there in particle actually exists in a wave state, much like a cloud that can be everywhere at once, until someone observes it...when the scientist looks at it, it then appears as a dot or particle...the only way we know that it realizes someone is observing it is that it responds to the observer's interaction with it...
What is most amazing to me is that the particles behave somewhat differently for each the glass half-empty? yes! the glass half-full? yes!...PERCEPTION IS REALITY and observation affects atomic behavior...again, Jesus talked about a 30fold return, a 60fold return and a potential 100fold return, all from the same seed which the sower sowed...this is why we talk about parallel realities...
The bottom line is need to be aware of how you see things, and pay attention to what you say about them because the Universe is listening to you! Subatomic particles are waiting for your unique observation of them to tell them what to become! The seed is waiting for your permission to grow! Your world is waiting for you to tell it how to manifest!
All things are possible...
"Indeed, I am now saying (or: I am truly saying now) that whoever may say to this mountain (or: in this mountain), 'Be picked up, and be cast (thrown) into the midst of the sea,' and may not be undecided or be divided in his discernment or judgment within his heart, but to the contrary, can (or: may; would) continuously trust and believe with confidence that what he is speaking is progressively occurring (or: birthing itself; coming into existence), it will proceed being [thus] for him (or: by him; to him; in him; with him)."
(Mark 11:23 - JMNT)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Awesome, awesome day!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
"The light for your earthly life is perception. Therefore, if your perception is without fault, your whole life shall be enlightened. If your perception is evil, your whole life shall be darkened by it; if the light for you is darkness, how deep will your darkness become?"
(Matthew 6:22, 23 - Khaboris Manuscript)
Epicurus said, “Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance”...Wayne Dyer says that “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into”...I totally agree with both statements...when Jesus spoke the above Scripture about perception, He was talking about not being able to serve two Masters (God and Mammon)...His point was that abundance, prosperity, wealth, etc are all really matters of perception...if you observe the potential that exists in the abundant Universe, you will see that you really already have everything that you need (and want) at your disposal in the just have to enjoy life as it is, however it is, because joy is magnetic and gratitude connects you with what needs to manifest...abundance really is something that you just have to tune into!
Whatever you perceive that you are waiting for will come to you when you are ready to receive it with an open mind and a grateful heart (gratitude attracts abundance), but you must first observe that the abundance already IS!...Jesus also said that "to those who have will MORE be given"...don't focus your attention on what you perceive that you don't have...focusing on "lack" will only manifest more lack in your life, or it will at least create the illusion of it...the world, the atmosphere, the Universe is full of abundance and opportunity...the Quantum Field contains unlimited potential, and gratitude for what you already have pulls what you need toward you...complaining, worrying, obsessing over the accessibility of abundance only repels it...
Abundance...everything that you need is all around you, so allow all good things to flow into your life, and enjoy all of them (even the little things)...not only is it all around you, it is all inside you...that's why you have the ability to easily and effortlessly create prosperity ("The Lord will give you the power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant with you")...don't fear it or the responsibility that it brings with it...let yourself love it, and you will attract it to yourself naturally...when Paul talked about the love of money being the "root of all evil", he was talking about greed and covetousness...a better way to say it would be "the excessive love of money can tap you into any and every evil root system"...but simply loving and appreciating abundance is a good and holy and blessed's healthy to enjoy having more than's positive to not worry about's a blessing to be a blessing!
Observe the whole Universe and the entirety of humankind as being in cahoots in your behalf, conspiring to make you prosperous and abundantly supplied...Jesus said that men or people would give to givers "good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over"...
Gratitude for the here and now will help keep you in a state of's what the Scriptures call prospering and being in health "even as your soul prospers"...
It's all about observation and vision and perception and perspective...
Famed financial expert Suze Orman may have said it best when she said, “Abundance is about being rich, with or without money”...Be grateful...
Be blessed...
Be happy...
Tune into abundance...
There is more than enough to go around!
(Matthew 6:22, 23 - Khaboris Manuscript)
Epicurus said, “Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance”...Wayne Dyer says that “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into”...I totally agree with both statements...when Jesus spoke the above Scripture about perception, He was talking about not being able to serve two Masters (God and Mammon)...His point was that abundance, prosperity, wealth, etc are all really matters of perception...if you observe the potential that exists in the abundant Universe, you will see that you really already have everything that you need (and want) at your disposal in the just have to enjoy life as it is, however it is, because joy is magnetic and gratitude connects you with what needs to manifest...abundance really is something that you just have to tune into!
Whatever you perceive that you are waiting for will come to you when you are ready to receive it with an open mind and a grateful heart (gratitude attracts abundance), but you must first observe that the abundance already IS!...Jesus also said that "to those who have will MORE be given"...don't focus your attention on what you perceive that you don't have...focusing on "lack" will only manifest more lack in your life, or it will at least create the illusion of it...the world, the atmosphere, the Universe is full of abundance and opportunity...the Quantum Field contains unlimited potential, and gratitude for what you already have pulls what you need toward you...complaining, worrying, obsessing over the accessibility of abundance only repels it...
Abundance...everything that you need is all around you, so allow all good things to flow into your life, and enjoy all of them (even the little things)...not only is it all around you, it is all inside you...that's why you have the ability to easily and effortlessly create prosperity ("The Lord will give you the power to get wealth that He may establish His covenant with you")...don't fear it or the responsibility that it brings with it...let yourself love it, and you will attract it to yourself naturally...when Paul talked about the love of money being the "root of all evil", he was talking about greed and covetousness...a better way to say it would be "the excessive love of money can tap you into any and every evil root system"...but simply loving and appreciating abundance is a good and holy and blessed's healthy to enjoy having more than's positive to not worry about's a blessing to be a blessing!
Observe the whole Universe and the entirety of humankind as being in cahoots in your behalf, conspiring to make you prosperous and abundantly supplied...Jesus said that men or people would give to givers "good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over"...
Gratitude for the here and now will help keep you in a state of's what the Scriptures call prospering and being in health "even as your soul prospers"...
It's all about observation and vision and perception and perspective...
Famed financial expert Suze Orman may have said it best when she said, “Abundance is about being rich, with or without money”...Be grateful...
Be blessed...
Be happy...
Tune into abundance...
There is more than enough to go around!
In A beginning, created by the Alueim were the heavens and the earth. Yet the earth became a chaos and vacant, and darkness was on the surface of the submerged chaos. Yet the spirit of the Alueim is vibrating over the surface of the water. And saying is the Alueim, "Become light!" And it is becoming light.'
(Genesis 1:1-3 - The Concordant Literal Old Testament)
I've posted this before, but it bears repeating...let me say that I love and enjoy all the translations of the Bible because each one has a little different paradigm on the truth and purpose of the Scriptures which I think is valuable and worthy of examination...that being said, I don't necessarily bear witness with the way every passage is interpreted, even in the translations that I like a lot...for example, I've used 'The Voice' translation a good bit, but I wouldn't refer to it for everything because the translator definitely isn't entirely on the page with me, theologically...
From the preface of 'The Voice':
About 40 different human authors are believed to have been inspired by God to write the Scriptures. Most English translations attempt to even out the literary styles of the different authors in sentence structure and vocabulary. Instead, The Voice distinguishes the unique perspective of each author. The heart of the project is retelling the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works while remaining painstakingly true to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts. Accomplished writers and biblical scholars have been teamed up to create an English rendering that, while of great artistic value, is carefully aligned with the meaning inherent in the original language. Attention is paid to the use of idioms, artistic elements, confusion of pronouns, repetition of conjunctions, modern sentence structure, and the public reading of the passage.
Because I'm mature and I love language, with all of its many nuances, I can easily flow with all of the translations without judgment or tunnel vision, including the one mentioned above...each one is what it is...
I really love this passage in 'The Concordant Literal Old Testament'...what's most interesting to me is that the translator finds the phrase "In A beginning" more accurate than the more familiar "In THE beginning"...that really opens up a lot to think about, especially when exploring the concepts of multiple realities (some call it "the multi-verse")...
The best part of this Hebrew translation, however, is:
"Yet the spirit of the Alueim is vibrating over the surface of the water..."
...the Spirit IS vibrating!
Not "was" vibrating...IS, IS, tense!
God is in the now, and His Universe is expanding (still being created) faster than the speed of light!
What if we've had and exercised the dominion that God (Elohim or "Alueim") talks about in Genesis 1:26, 27 all along?..what if we've been calling the shots in life and getting what we really, deeply wanted more than we have realized or can even admit to ourselves?...What if the same Spirit that vibrated over the surface of the water in Creation is still vibrating over our spirit and our thoughts and our words and our intentions?
I actually believe that that is what is happening...
In one sense it's an overwhelming thought, but in another sense it's the most empowering revelation imaginable! It allows the eradication of victimization mentality in our lives from every possible vantage causes us to embrace some radical concepts about personal, God-given responsibility/authority, and it sets us free...
Vibrate, Spirit of God!
Vibrate and create life!
Vibrate, Spirit of God!
(Genesis 1:1-3 - The Concordant Literal Old Testament)
I've posted this before, but it bears repeating...let me say that I love and enjoy all the translations of the Bible because each one has a little different paradigm on the truth and purpose of the Scriptures which I think is valuable and worthy of examination...that being said, I don't necessarily bear witness with the way every passage is interpreted, even in the translations that I like a lot...for example, I've used 'The Voice' translation a good bit, but I wouldn't refer to it for everything because the translator definitely isn't entirely on the page with me, theologically...
From the preface of 'The Voice':
About 40 different human authors are believed to have been inspired by God to write the Scriptures. Most English translations attempt to even out the literary styles of the different authors in sentence structure and vocabulary. Instead, The Voice distinguishes the unique perspective of each author. The heart of the project is retelling the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works while remaining painstakingly true to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts. Accomplished writers and biblical scholars have been teamed up to create an English rendering that, while of great artistic value, is carefully aligned with the meaning inherent in the original language. Attention is paid to the use of idioms, artistic elements, confusion of pronouns, repetition of conjunctions, modern sentence structure, and the public reading of the passage.
Because I'm mature and I love language, with all of its many nuances, I can easily flow with all of the translations without judgment or tunnel vision, including the one mentioned above...each one is what it is...
I really love this passage in 'The Concordant Literal Old Testament'...what's most interesting to me is that the translator finds the phrase "In A beginning" more accurate than the more familiar "In THE beginning"...that really opens up a lot to think about, especially when exploring the concepts of multiple realities (some call it "the multi-verse")...
The best part of this Hebrew translation, however, is:
"Yet the spirit of the Alueim is vibrating over the surface of the water..."
...the Spirit IS vibrating!
Not "was" vibrating...IS, IS, tense!
God is in the now, and His Universe is expanding (still being created) faster than the speed of light!
What if we've had and exercised the dominion that God (Elohim or "Alueim") talks about in Genesis 1:26, 27 all along?..what if we've been calling the shots in life and getting what we really, deeply wanted more than we have realized or can even admit to ourselves?...What if the same Spirit that vibrated over the surface of the water in Creation is still vibrating over our spirit and our thoughts and our words and our intentions?
I actually believe that that is what is happening...
In one sense it's an overwhelming thought, but in another sense it's the most empowering revelation imaginable! It allows the eradication of victimization mentality in our lives from every possible vantage causes us to embrace some radical concepts about personal, God-given responsibility/authority, and it sets us free...
Vibrate, Spirit of God!
Vibrate and create life!
Vibrate, Spirit of God!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
As I said in the previous post, Jesus taught that one could only enter the Kingdom of God with the eyes/perspective/paradigm of a child...the Kingdom of God does not exist in the future, because there is no future or past in the eternal "now", and that seems to be a concept that children are able to grasp more easily than time-obsessed, time-conscious adults...God reveals Himself as "I AM"...His presence is always "the NOW"...
It takes some effort to keep your thoughts, your focus, and your attention on what is happening in the immediate, but the more you live in the moment and are "present" in your attitude, the easier it becomes...
It's important to be aware of your surroundings if you want to live in the childlike present and communicate with the 'I AM' of the best ways to do that is through gratitude...not only does gratitude attract more things into your life for which to be grateful, it makes you more aware of what you already have, and that awareness makes it easier for you to enjoy all that has already manifested in your personal world... living in the moment is a HUGE aspect of Abundant Life...
Refuse to allow yourself to be distracted by any obsession with the past...every day is a day to clean house and to erase any of the tapes that play in your head which are counterproductive to living your best may have to constantly delete mental files, and if so, so be it!
You must break ties with that which is negative and contrary to a now mentality...remember what needs to be remembered, and forget what needs to be forgotten...remember how good God has been to you, and hold the vibration of pleasant memories close to your's important, also, to remember the lessons that you've learned from past mistakes, but don't let your memory bind or hold you in a negative space...children have a wonderful way of forgetting what needs to be forgotten with little effort, so tap into that inner-child power that you already have, and make it work for you...
It's equally important to not allow yourself to be preoccupied with the future...send out your intentions to the Universe...make necessary plans...speak energetic, prophetic words over your those things which are not as though they stronger by looking forward to good things that are coming up...but never let worry and anxiety about the future distract you, not even for a second...the NOW is too wonderful to miss, even for the future!
Never let your own mind become your enemy..thinking "now" will open new doors in your thought-life, and enable you to discover new possibilities, new potential, and new wisdom...make that Quantum Jump into the reality of the "you" that never gave up on your childhood dreams...he/she is out there somewhere, and you can find him/her if you really want to!
When you begin to think differently, you begin to speak differently...everything you say does something...everything you do says something...let the changes come and don't fight your own will soon notice that you are surprising the people in your life, and will even begin to surprise yourself by your new way of reacting to the world around you...
Listen to God's voice...that voice that speaks inside you...and discern what He is attention to the Universe...
Childhood dreams can still come true...
Be everything you started out to be before your thinking got hijacked...
It's never too late!
It takes some effort to keep your thoughts, your focus, and your attention on what is happening in the immediate, but the more you live in the moment and are "present" in your attitude, the easier it becomes...
It's important to be aware of your surroundings if you want to live in the childlike present and communicate with the 'I AM' of the best ways to do that is through gratitude...not only does gratitude attract more things into your life for which to be grateful, it makes you more aware of what you already have, and that awareness makes it easier for you to enjoy all that has already manifested in your personal world... living in the moment is a HUGE aspect of Abundant Life...
Refuse to allow yourself to be distracted by any obsession with the past...every day is a day to clean house and to erase any of the tapes that play in your head which are counterproductive to living your best may have to constantly delete mental files, and if so, so be it!
You must break ties with that which is negative and contrary to a now mentality...remember what needs to be remembered, and forget what needs to be forgotten...remember how good God has been to you, and hold the vibration of pleasant memories close to your's important, also, to remember the lessons that you've learned from past mistakes, but don't let your memory bind or hold you in a negative space...children have a wonderful way of forgetting what needs to be forgotten with little effort, so tap into that inner-child power that you already have, and make it work for you...
It's equally important to not allow yourself to be preoccupied with the future...send out your intentions to the Universe...make necessary plans...speak energetic, prophetic words over your those things which are not as though they stronger by looking forward to good things that are coming up...but never let worry and anxiety about the future distract you, not even for a second...the NOW is too wonderful to miss, even for the future!
Never let your own mind become your enemy..thinking "now" will open new doors in your thought-life, and enable you to discover new possibilities, new potential, and new wisdom...make that Quantum Jump into the reality of the "you" that never gave up on your childhood dreams...he/she is out there somewhere, and you can find him/her if you really want to!
When you begin to think differently, you begin to speak differently...everything you say does something...everything you do says something...let the changes come and don't fight your own will soon notice that you are surprising the people in your life, and will even begin to surprise yourself by your new way of reacting to the world around you...
Listen to God's voice...that voice that speaks inside you...and discern what He is attention to the Universe...
Childhood dreams can still come true...
Be everything you started out to be before your thinking got hijacked...
It's never too late!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Do you remember your childhood dreams? Do you remember when you really believed, without reservation, that absolutely anything was possible? Remember living in a world in which Santa Claus was a big deal, and so was the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, and you weren't at all embarrassed to make room at the dinner table for an imaginary friend? Remember having uninhibited fun playing childhood games of make-believe with abandon with other little kids for so many hours on end that you got to a place in your thinking where you could hardly tell the difference between your imagination and reality? Remember when imagination felt real, and "reality" felt inferior to the world that existed inside your head?
Remember what you were like before "life" happened to you? Remember when your heart was light and free, and you hadn't learned how to hold grudges yet, and were a complete stranger to bitterness? Remember when laughter was a major part of your day, every single day, and you didn't know how to take things so seriously? Remember when you didn't know how to worry about money or paying the bills yet, and you just assumed that you would always have enough?
Now, I know I'm speaking to the best part of the ideal and romantic notion of it, if you will...and I'm very aware that many people have had traumatic childhoods full of painful memories and lack and abuse...I know full well that there are many people who maybe can't even relate to any of these questions...those who had their spirits crushed early in life...
But if you can indeed remember and relate to any of what I'm talking about here...if you can, in fact, remember some of that magic, especially your childhood dreams, then please open your mind for a moment to the possibility that the "child" version of you is still alive and well somewhere in one of the dimensions that Quantum Physicists tell us exist...imagine, if you can, that somewhere out there in the deep vastness of space and time there is another version of you...a version of the you who didn’t give up on those dreams...a you who didn't stop daydreaming, even though your teachers reprimanded you for it...a you who didn't fully pay attention to the authority figures in your life who repeatedly exhorted you to "be realistic"? What if there's a "you" in some other place in the Universe that never stopped believing?
What if that "you" is still somewhere inside the you that world sees and interprets, buried under emotions and memories and layers and layers of life-experiences?
Jesus told His followers more than once that unless they became like children, that they could never enter the Kingdom of God...He said that the child-paradigm of the world was the optimum, and was the only way to really "see" God...
Even if you were not a happy, imaginative child...even you never experienced the wonder, curiosity and optimism that children hopefully enjoy...and even if you actually experienced all of that, but education and discipline and responsibility and expectations and just the daily grind/pressure/stress of adulthood took it all out of you and knocked the wind out of your sails, this post may still be relevant to you...
What if the 'Observer Effect' is a stronger reality than we realize? We've heard it said that when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change...if that's really true, then why couldn't we change our past by changing the way we look at it? Why can't we re-imagine our own childhood and re-invent ourselves from our earliest years?
Not only does the observer change the present and the future by what he or she sees, he/she also changes the past in the same's why the "R" in the METRON acronym is the word RENEWAL...the quantum universe is one which pulsates in and out of the void multiple times every nano-second, endlessly recreating itself the Scriptures we see this concept manifested in the doctrine of Justification ("just as if they had never sinned"), and why we read in the Hall of Fame of Faith chapter (Hebrews 11), the biographies of the OT saints seeming to be Genesis we see Sarah mockingly laughing at the ridiculous notion of having a baby in her old age (she even gets rebuked for it), but in the NT the story is spun to imply that she laughed with joy, as in confirmation of a prophecy, and even shows her agreement by naming the baby Isaac, which means "laughter"...parallel realities, or a change in observation?
Each moment brings with it a potentially new past, which we are the ‘builders’ of in the present moment...we are here to write and re-write our own stories ("the Gospel according to you"), editing it and re-editing it until all concepts of victimization have been removed, and the story is told as a win/win tale... in this present moment right now there are endless is an infinitely layered moment in time, vibrating with unmanifested the future, when we consider this multi-dimensional moment in which we find ourselves, we will probably focus our attention and only remember a certain piece or aspect of this very moment, crystalizing it in time, and this will be our ‘memory’ of that seemingly past event...and yet, the way we remember this present moment in the future will have an actual effect on the way that moment in the future other words, the way we contemplate the past has a creative effect on how the present moment manifests....prophetic insight includes prophetic memory...remember this day as one of the most beautiful ones in your whole life...create your future...create your present...create your past...create your life...
To be continued...
Remember what you were like before "life" happened to you? Remember when your heart was light and free, and you hadn't learned how to hold grudges yet, and were a complete stranger to bitterness? Remember when laughter was a major part of your day, every single day, and you didn't know how to take things so seriously? Remember when you didn't know how to worry about money or paying the bills yet, and you just assumed that you would always have enough?
Now, I know I'm speaking to the best part of the ideal and romantic notion of it, if you will...and I'm very aware that many people have had traumatic childhoods full of painful memories and lack and abuse...I know full well that there are many people who maybe can't even relate to any of these questions...those who had their spirits crushed early in life...
But if you can indeed remember and relate to any of what I'm talking about here...if you can, in fact, remember some of that magic, especially your childhood dreams, then please open your mind for a moment to the possibility that the "child" version of you is still alive and well somewhere in one of the dimensions that Quantum Physicists tell us exist...imagine, if you can, that somewhere out there in the deep vastness of space and time there is another version of you...a version of the you who didn’t give up on those dreams...a you who didn't stop daydreaming, even though your teachers reprimanded you for it...a you who didn't fully pay attention to the authority figures in your life who repeatedly exhorted you to "be realistic"? What if there's a "you" in some other place in the Universe that never stopped believing?
What if that "you" is still somewhere inside the you that world sees and interprets, buried under emotions and memories and layers and layers of life-experiences?
Jesus told His followers more than once that unless they became like children, that they could never enter the Kingdom of God...He said that the child-paradigm of the world was the optimum, and was the only way to really "see" God...
Even if you were not a happy, imaginative child...even you never experienced the wonder, curiosity and optimism that children hopefully enjoy...and even if you actually experienced all of that, but education and discipline and responsibility and expectations and just the daily grind/pressure/stress of adulthood took it all out of you and knocked the wind out of your sails, this post may still be relevant to you...
What if the 'Observer Effect' is a stronger reality than we realize? We've heard it said that when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change...if that's really true, then why couldn't we change our past by changing the way we look at it? Why can't we re-imagine our own childhood and re-invent ourselves from our earliest years?
Not only does the observer change the present and the future by what he or she sees, he/she also changes the past in the same's why the "R" in the METRON acronym is the word RENEWAL...the quantum universe is one which pulsates in and out of the void multiple times every nano-second, endlessly recreating itself the Scriptures we see this concept manifested in the doctrine of Justification ("just as if they had never sinned"), and why we read in the Hall of Fame of Faith chapter (Hebrews 11), the biographies of the OT saints seeming to be Genesis we see Sarah mockingly laughing at the ridiculous notion of having a baby in her old age (she even gets rebuked for it), but in the NT the story is spun to imply that she laughed with joy, as in confirmation of a prophecy, and even shows her agreement by naming the baby Isaac, which means "laughter"...parallel realities, or a change in observation?
Each moment brings with it a potentially new past, which we are the ‘builders’ of in the present moment...we are here to write and re-write our own stories ("the Gospel according to you"), editing it and re-editing it until all concepts of victimization have been removed, and the story is told as a win/win tale... in this present moment right now there are endless is an infinitely layered moment in time, vibrating with unmanifested the future, when we consider this multi-dimensional moment in which we find ourselves, we will probably focus our attention and only remember a certain piece or aspect of this very moment, crystalizing it in time, and this will be our ‘memory’ of that seemingly past event...and yet, the way we remember this present moment in the future will have an actual effect on the way that moment in the future other words, the way we contemplate the past has a creative effect on how the present moment manifests....prophetic insight includes prophetic memory...remember this day as one of the most beautiful ones in your whole life...create your future...create your present...create your past...create your life...
To be continued...
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Last Sunday afternoon after the METRON Community meeting/event, we grabbed a quick bite of lunch, and then went to pick up my granddaughters, Sofia (7) and Olivia (4) to take them see 'Mary Poppins' at the Fox was a part of their annual Coca Cola Summer Film Festival which shows vintage and classic movies, and was the 50th Anniversary "Sing-along" edition of the famous Disney flick...we all enjoyed it very much, especially after having seen 'Saving Mr. Banks' recently, which gives the back story to the making of the award-winning (13 Oscar noms, 5 wins), iconic film...
I hadn't seen MP in several years, and there were a few things in it that I had either forgotten about, or sort of really "saw" for the first time...
First, I was impressed by the "intention" that little Jane and Michael write down in the beginning of the film and send out to the Universe, a poem that they sing which describes the type of nanny that they want...and then I was struck by the "detachment" that they exhibited when they had to release it after Mr. Banks tears it up and throws it into the fireplace...then when Mary Poppins is "attracted" to them from out of the blue, she is holding the taped-together pieces of paper, and reading the intention back to them...very symbolic 'Law of Attraction' kind of stuff...
Another part that stood out to me was when they visited eccentric, old Uncle Albert, played by the inimitable Ed Wynn, in what was probably his best-remembered film appearance...this segment involved the sweet old man floating around just beneath the ceiling in uncontrollable mirth, singing "I Love to Laugh" and was one of the film's highlights...when the rest of them starting laughing along with him, they all defied gravity and started floating, as well...they could only come down when they thought of something sad...also a very symbolic message about the cosmically attractive Power of Joy, and how it lifts you up to a higher perspective (consciousness)...
For more about that, see my post entitled 'Happiness is the Truth"...
But the part that presented the most powerful picture-lesson to me was when they all jumped into one of Bert's (Dick Van Dyke) sidewalk chalk drawings...the four characters literally make a quantum leap into the "reality" that he had created there, and I found that to be the most visually compelling image in the whole stood out to me mainly because I'm so interested right now in knowing how to teach people that they create their own reality...I'm fascinated by the subject...
I hadn't seen MP in several years, and there were a few things in it that I had either forgotten about, or sort of really "saw" for the first time...
First, I was impressed by the "intention" that little Jane and Michael write down in the beginning of the film and send out to the Universe, a poem that they sing which describes the type of nanny that they want...and then I was struck by the "detachment" that they exhibited when they had to release it after Mr. Banks tears it up and throws it into the fireplace...then when Mary Poppins is "attracted" to them from out of the blue, she is holding the taped-together pieces of paper, and reading the intention back to them...very symbolic 'Law of Attraction' kind of stuff...
Another part that stood out to me was when they visited eccentric, old Uncle Albert, played by the inimitable Ed Wynn, in what was probably his best-remembered film appearance...this segment involved the sweet old man floating around just beneath the ceiling in uncontrollable mirth, singing "I Love to Laugh" and was one of the film's highlights...when the rest of them starting laughing along with him, they all defied gravity and started floating, as well...they could only come down when they thought of something sad...also a very symbolic message about the cosmically attractive Power of Joy, and how it lifts you up to a higher perspective (consciousness)...
For more about that, see my post entitled 'Happiness is the Truth"...
But the part that presented the most powerful picture-lesson to me was when they all jumped into one of Bert's (Dick Van Dyke) sidewalk chalk drawings...the four characters literally make a quantum leap into the "reality" that he had created there, and I found that to be the most visually compelling image in the whole stood out to me mainly because I'm so interested right now in knowing how to teach people that they create their own reality...I'm fascinated by the subject...
There's no doubt about it...our thoughts and feelings change the world around us, whether we’re aware of it or not...we're constantly creating our reality with our words and intentions, and especially with our imaginations, and then "leaping" into what we have created...we are the most trusted prophets in our own lives...
Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
He also said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Again I say, the ultimate act of creativity occurred when the Creator created creators (us!)...and the ultimate act sovereignty was when the Sovereign of the Universe created after His own kind, and made Sovereign Beings in His awesome image!
As it has been said, who you are is God's gift to you, and who become is your gift to God!
You can become something greater...a great version of who you are, living out a better reality...
Yes, yes, yes you can!
You can imagine a life that is "practically perfect in every way"!
Create, creator!
Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
He also said, "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Again I say, the ultimate act of creativity occurred when the Creator created creators (us!)...and the ultimate act sovereignty was when the Sovereign of the Universe created after His own kind, and made Sovereign Beings in His awesome image!
As it has been said, who you are is God's gift to you, and who become is your gift to God!
You can become something greater...a great version of who you are, living out a better reality...
Yes, yes, yes you can!
You can imagine a life that is "practically perfect in every way"!
Create, creator!
Monday, August 18, 2014
"Jesus said to them, 'A little while the light is with you. Walk while you yet have the light so that darkness will not overtake you. He who walks in darkness does not know where he goes. While you yet have the light with you, have faith in the light, that you will be children of enlightenment.' Thus spoke Jesus and went off and hid from them. 'I came as enlightenment unto all men so that whoever completely believes will not stay in darkness. If anyone hears my words and does not observe them, I will not condemn him, for I came not to condemn men, but to save men.'"
(John 12:35, 36, 46, 47 - Khaboris Manuscript)
(John 12:35, 36, 46, 47 - Khaboris Manuscript)
..."you will be children of enlightenment"...
..."I came as enlightenment to ALL men"...
..."I came not to condemn men, but to save men"...
Wonderful words of life.
Selah (pause, and calmly think of that)...
Saturday, August 16, 2014
"In conclusion (or: Finally; or: What [is] left), brothers (= fellow believers; [my] family), as much as is true (or: as many things as are genuine and real), as many as [are] awe-inspiring (serious; respectable; noble; dignified by holiness), as much as [is] rightwised (put right; fair, equitable; just; in right relationship within the Way pointed out), as many as [are] pure and innocent, as much as [is] affection-inducing (friendly; directed toward what is liked; lovable or lovely; agreeable; well-regarded; winsome; engendering fondness; attractive; kindly disposed; loveable), as many as [are] well-spoken-of (commendable; reputable; of good report; the effect of fair speaking; renowned), if [there is] any excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) [in them] and if [there is] any praise applied (expression of high evaluation; honor paid; approval or applause) [to them], be habitually thinking about these things in a logical way (repeatedly make these things the focus of careful consideration and analysis; continuously take these things into account)!"
(Philippians 4:8 - JMNT)
You get what you think about, whether you want it or not...when you allow yourself to be motivated by a negative emotion that exists within your heart or mind, especially one that gets translated into a thought and then manifested into a word, you are in that very moment "mis-creating"...your very own vibrational energy is working against you...
But when you intend, want and expect to see that which you really want to see, and allow yourself to feel good about it, then your emotion becomes positive, and you can know that you are in harmony with your real inner intentions...
Those who are experienced in the Law(s) of Attraction repeatedly say that there is great value in being happy, because only from the point of being happy can you attract that which you want...but in the larger sense, happiness is not just about getting what you want, it's about being who are...happiness is your most natural state of's how you were created to be...if you are not allowing yourself to be happy, you are holding yourself back from authenticity and inner truth...David said to God, "You desire truth in the inward parts"...not only does God desire it, we all desire it...
I know the hit song 'Happy' has been overplayed, but I still love it and listen to it every time it comes on the radio...and it still works for me...I especially love the line that says, "Clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth!"...
That's it!
Happiness is the TRUTH!
I know that depression is real, and is something that a lot of people have to deal with, as I've already said in previous posts...and I know that there is a lot in the world to be unhappy about, especially if you choose to see the glass half empty...but I still insist that happiness is the natural state, and one that we all should be walking in...Jesus said, "I came to give you life, and that more abundantly"...there is no abundant life without happiness...
The majority of your negative emotions could be eliminated if when you are alone with your own thoughts you would focus upon what you NOW want to think about...God is in the were created to live in the presence of the present moment...we are more powerful than we believe...we are the creators of our worlds...God spoke His worlds into existence, and we speak our world into existence...He "holds all things together by the word of His power", and we hold all things together in our world by the word of our power...we are the only ones in charge of the thoughts we allow into our minds...we are not powerless over them, and can choose to take the power back when it seems that we are out of control...we can choose to be the conscious creators of our own vision of our most beautiful, abundant, and happy life...
Our thoughts, words and actions are all constantly activating the Law(s) of Attraction and bringing more of what we are focusing on into our experiences...again, Jesus said, "To them that have will MORE be given"...when we feel, do or speak about anything with emotion, our vibration connected to that concept is even stronger and our desires will possibly/probably manifest quicker, so it’s worth being positive and happy and thinking good thoughts and feeling good about thinking them...
When we feel good, and think good thoughts, we are in harmony with what is true in our spirit, and we are heading in the direction that we really desire for our lives...
Listen to your instincts and trust your gut feelings, especially when it comes to making important decisions...follow your bliss...always lean towards happiness and joy...if it doesn't give you inner peace, DON'T DO IT!
Paul said that the Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT...move away from anything that brings you down if you can (as soon as you can)...
Be aware of outdated beliefs that no longer serve you and "forget those things which are behind"... you can rewire the mechanism of your brain with positive thoughts and desires, even if gradually, and every mental step in the right direction is a positive and productive can create new beliefs and have new and better expectations for your life that are aligned with what you really, really want...
Yes, indeed...
Happiness is the TRUTH!
Everything else is a lie...
(Philippians 4:8 - JMNT)
You get what you think about, whether you want it or not...when you allow yourself to be motivated by a negative emotion that exists within your heart or mind, especially one that gets translated into a thought and then manifested into a word, you are in that very moment "mis-creating"...your very own vibrational energy is working against you...
But when you intend, want and expect to see that which you really want to see, and allow yourself to feel good about it, then your emotion becomes positive, and you can know that you are in harmony with your real inner intentions...
Those who are experienced in the Law(s) of Attraction repeatedly say that there is great value in being happy, because only from the point of being happy can you attract that which you want...but in the larger sense, happiness is not just about getting what you want, it's about being who are...happiness is your most natural state of's how you were created to be...if you are not allowing yourself to be happy, you are holding yourself back from authenticity and inner truth...David said to God, "You desire truth in the inward parts"...not only does God desire it, we all desire it...
I know the hit song 'Happy' has been overplayed, but I still love it and listen to it every time it comes on the radio...and it still works for me...I especially love the line that says, "Clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth!"...
That's it!
Happiness is the TRUTH!
I know that depression is real, and is something that a lot of people have to deal with, as I've already said in previous posts...and I know that there is a lot in the world to be unhappy about, especially if you choose to see the glass half empty...but I still insist that happiness is the natural state, and one that we all should be walking in...Jesus said, "I came to give you life, and that more abundantly"...there is no abundant life without happiness...
The majority of your negative emotions could be eliminated if when you are alone with your own thoughts you would focus upon what you NOW want to think about...God is in the were created to live in the presence of the present moment...we are more powerful than we believe...we are the creators of our worlds...God spoke His worlds into existence, and we speak our world into existence...He "holds all things together by the word of His power", and we hold all things together in our world by the word of our power...we are the only ones in charge of the thoughts we allow into our minds...we are not powerless over them, and can choose to take the power back when it seems that we are out of control...we can choose to be the conscious creators of our own vision of our most beautiful, abundant, and happy life...
Our thoughts, words and actions are all constantly activating the Law(s) of Attraction and bringing more of what we are focusing on into our experiences...again, Jesus said, "To them that have will MORE be given"...when we feel, do or speak about anything with emotion, our vibration connected to that concept is even stronger and our desires will possibly/probably manifest quicker, so it’s worth being positive and happy and thinking good thoughts and feeling good about thinking them...
When we feel good, and think good thoughts, we are in harmony with what is true in our spirit, and we are heading in the direction that we really desire for our lives...
Listen to your instincts and trust your gut feelings, especially when it comes to making important decisions...follow your bliss...always lean towards happiness and joy...if it doesn't give you inner peace, DON'T DO IT!
Paul said that the Kingdom of God is RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT...move away from anything that brings you down if you can (as soon as you can)...
Be aware of outdated beliefs that no longer serve you and "forget those things which are behind"... you can rewire the mechanism of your brain with positive thoughts and desires, even if gradually, and every mental step in the right direction is a positive and productive can create new beliefs and have new and better expectations for your life that are aligned with what you really, really want...
Yes, indeed...
Happiness is the TRUTH!
Everything else is a lie...
Thursday, August 14, 2014
I'm aware that a lot of people rely heavily on social media (particularly Facebook) to alert their friends when there is a medical emergency or situation that needs unified prayer for has become the modern equivalent of what we used to call a "prayer chain", and I not only think it's a good thing, I've also used it for that purpose myself when I've personally needed prayer, or needed to request it in behalf of someone else...and I've gotten good results from it...
Among my own friends and followers on social media I have relationships with some who post phrases like "please agree with me in prayer" or "calling all prayer warriors!" in these cases, and I have other friends who are more prone to say things like "please send some good intentions our way", or "in need of some good thoughts and positive vibes right now"...
Because I'm spiritually mature, I understand what all of them are saying, and I'm totally good with however they want to express their concern for me or for whoever needs the prayer/intention/vibe of health and well-being...I've seen a couple of people who are coming from a more traditional church-mindset post something to this effect "I need PRAYER...don't send me any of that 'intention' or 'vibe' nonsense!", and I think that's unfortunate, because they're all really saying the same thing...
When someone is in need of physical, emotional, spiritual or mental help, a good thought or intention sent to them is more important than some might a universe where everything is energy, your thoughts and intentions can, and do, influence matter...the Scriptures say "He SENT HIS WORD and healed them", and the man who Jesus dubbed as having "the greatest faith in all Israel" was the Roman Centurion who understood the principle of distance healing by saying "SPEAK A WORD ONLY and my servant will be healed!"
People often speak of sending good, loving, healing thoughts to help someone, but they may not fully appreciate the power that these positive thoughts have...and those who are adamant about only using more "biblically-based" terms might need to open their minds a little...I'll tell you this, if you're really sick and in severe pain, and especially if you have something that is life-threatening, you probably don't really care about how people express these just want relief and need help...
I know in my own case, on the few occasions that I've expressed a need for personal help with the physical, I was glad for every single "I'm praying" comment and/or "I'm sending healing vibes" comment...I personally felt better with the posting of each one of them...
Distance healing has been studied for a long time, sometimes with inconclusive results...but the study of Quantum Physics has made tremendous advances in our understanding of the way the universe works...what we have learned is that everything, including the body and our thoughts, are we have discussed, thought energy is particularly powerful, and has been shown to influence matter... this means that distance healing is not only possible but very real...
I've read a little about studies done on people trained in distance healing, which is simply defined as the sending of healing intentions remotely, or outside the reach of the physical senses...these studies have shown how the "senders" could influence the autonomic nervous system of the recipient of their you probably know, the autonomic nervous system is the part that controls involuntary bodily functions like heart rate, perspiration, and digestion...these studies have demonstrated that when one person transmitted his/her healing intention onto a patient, the recipient’s autonomic nervous system showed an immediate activation...this was measured with skin conductance, which is the skin’s ability to conduct electricity...
Once when I was teaching on this I showed a video of people sending intentions to a person with a tumor, and you could see the tumor actually shrinking on an x-ray while they were activating...another well-designed study I've heard about had people, or “senders”, send intentions for ten seconds at a time, followed by a break, and every single time they sent their intentions, they activated the autonomic nervous system of the patient, or the “receiver”...when the sender was taking a break, there was no activation of skin conductance in the patients...the best results were found with people trained in compassionate intention, but even the untrained participants in the study were able to generate at least some kind of autonomic response...
To be clear, the purpose of these kinds of studies isn't to prove that the "senders" could heal the "receivers", just that the intentions of the sender had some sort of influence on the receiver...the implication is that healing intentions (such as love) can create positive changes in another person, regardless of distance from the receiver...
Again, from Quantum Theory we know that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY...and we know from our revelation of Christ-consciousness that EVERYONE IS CONNECTED!
Think of your thoughts, emotions and intentions radiating out from you in the same way that music radiates out from a radio...your ears may not perceive the music when there’s a physical obstacle or distance in the way of the vibration of the sound coming from the radio, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn't exist... it just means that we can’t consciously perceive it...
I come from a long line of people who have believed in Divine Healing for generations...I grew up hearing amazing testimonies from people with whom I was personally acquainted who had experienced miraculous manifestations of healing...the fact that Quantum Physics confirms what we knew by the Spirit only makes me stronger and healthier...
So if you're more of a prayer-type person, please don't trivialize it when someone sends you healing vibes or good's all the same thing, and it all came from God...Jesus told His disciples "Those who are not against us are for us", after they complained to Him that a man they saw working miracles wasn't healing people the "right" way...
I send good thoughts of well-being to you today...
I send you healing intentions...
You are in my prayers...
Be healed...
Be whole...
Be well...
Among my own friends and followers on social media I have relationships with some who post phrases like "please agree with me in prayer" or "calling all prayer warriors!" in these cases, and I have other friends who are more prone to say things like "please send some good intentions our way", or "in need of some good thoughts and positive vibes right now"...
Because I'm spiritually mature, I understand what all of them are saying, and I'm totally good with however they want to express their concern for me or for whoever needs the prayer/intention/vibe of health and well-being...I've seen a couple of people who are coming from a more traditional church-mindset post something to this effect "I need PRAYER...don't send me any of that 'intention' or 'vibe' nonsense!", and I think that's unfortunate, because they're all really saying the same thing...
When someone is in need of physical, emotional, spiritual or mental help, a good thought or intention sent to them is more important than some might a universe where everything is energy, your thoughts and intentions can, and do, influence matter...the Scriptures say "He SENT HIS WORD and healed them", and the man who Jesus dubbed as having "the greatest faith in all Israel" was the Roman Centurion who understood the principle of distance healing by saying "SPEAK A WORD ONLY and my servant will be healed!"
People often speak of sending good, loving, healing thoughts to help someone, but they may not fully appreciate the power that these positive thoughts have...and those who are adamant about only using more "biblically-based" terms might need to open their minds a little...I'll tell you this, if you're really sick and in severe pain, and especially if you have something that is life-threatening, you probably don't really care about how people express these just want relief and need help...
I know in my own case, on the few occasions that I've expressed a need for personal help with the physical, I was glad for every single "I'm praying" comment and/or "I'm sending healing vibes" comment...I personally felt better with the posting of each one of them...
Distance healing has been studied for a long time, sometimes with inconclusive results...but the study of Quantum Physics has made tremendous advances in our understanding of the way the universe works...what we have learned is that everything, including the body and our thoughts, are we have discussed, thought energy is particularly powerful, and has been shown to influence matter... this means that distance healing is not only possible but very real...
I've read a little about studies done on people trained in distance healing, which is simply defined as the sending of healing intentions remotely, or outside the reach of the physical senses...these studies have shown how the "senders" could influence the autonomic nervous system of the recipient of their you probably know, the autonomic nervous system is the part that controls involuntary bodily functions like heart rate, perspiration, and digestion...these studies have demonstrated that when one person transmitted his/her healing intention onto a patient, the recipient’s autonomic nervous system showed an immediate activation...this was measured with skin conductance, which is the skin’s ability to conduct electricity...
Once when I was teaching on this I showed a video of people sending intentions to a person with a tumor, and you could see the tumor actually shrinking on an x-ray while they were activating...another well-designed study I've heard about had people, or “senders”, send intentions for ten seconds at a time, followed by a break, and every single time they sent their intentions, they activated the autonomic nervous system of the patient, or the “receiver”...when the sender was taking a break, there was no activation of skin conductance in the patients...the best results were found with people trained in compassionate intention, but even the untrained participants in the study were able to generate at least some kind of autonomic response...
To be clear, the purpose of these kinds of studies isn't to prove that the "senders" could heal the "receivers", just that the intentions of the sender had some sort of influence on the receiver...the implication is that healing intentions (such as love) can create positive changes in another person, regardless of distance from the receiver...
Again, from Quantum Theory we know that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY...and we know from our revelation of Christ-consciousness that EVERYONE IS CONNECTED!
Think of your thoughts, emotions and intentions radiating out from you in the same way that music radiates out from a radio...your ears may not perceive the music when there’s a physical obstacle or distance in the way of the vibration of the sound coming from the radio, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn't exist... it just means that we can’t consciously perceive it...
I come from a long line of people who have believed in Divine Healing for generations...I grew up hearing amazing testimonies from people with whom I was personally acquainted who had experienced miraculous manifestations of healing...the fact that Quantum Physics confirms what we knew by the Spirit only makes me stronger and healthier...
So if you're more of a prayer-type person, please don't trivialize it when someone sends you healing vibes or good's all the same thing, and it all came from God...Jesus told His disciples "Those who are not against us are for us", after they complained to Him that a man they saw working miracles wasn't healing people the "right" way...
I send good thoughts of well-being to you today...
I send you healing intentions...
You are in my prayers...
Be healed...
Be whole...
Be well...
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