O beloved one! I am continuously having (or: thinking and speaking) goodness, ease and well-being (or: wishing and professing loudly; claiming) concerning all things [for] you to be constantly having a prosperous journey (or: to progressively travel a good path; to habitually be prospered unto success; to be continuously helped along the Way) and to be constantly sound and healthy [in mind, thought and body] just as (or: to the same degree as) your soul (inner being; or: = your life) is progressively being prospered on its journey (helped along the Way; prospered unto success; caused to travel the Good Path).
(III John 2 - JMNT)
I've been asked several times lately about how the Law or Laws of Attraction relate to health and healing, wellness and wholeness, and I'm happy to talk about it, but before I touch on this topic I need to give a disclaimer:
For those of you who may be having a physical challenge at this time, I believe that whatever system you have already submitted yourself to (especially if you have a serious or life-threatening condition), whether conventional medicine, or holistic/natural remedies or Eastern practices or Christian Science or New Age disciplines or you're just a "blood-bought believer", "standing on the Word" and confessing that 'by His stripes you are healed', you need to flow with that system and be in harmony with it...go with what resonates with you and gives you the most peace, and then believe in it and commit to it and expect it to work...the power of agreement is very strong, so if you go to a doctor, you need to really like him/her, or at least respect him/her enough to cooperate with him/her fully, and do what he/she says for you to do...in the Scriptures, people received healing in all manner of ways, some of them quite bizarre (Jesus even spat on dirt and made mud, which he applied to the eyes of a blind man and healed him with it, for example)...I believe from that that healing and health is not a monolithic area or subject, and even though everything in the Universe is no doubt connected to everything else, when it comes to your health, you need to do what is right for you...
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Visiting the Pool of Bethesda |
Medicine is ever changing and evolving, and doctors and hospitals are in a constant state of keeping themselves up-to-date...if you go to the hospital, you want it to be state-of-the-art and modern with access to the latest technological advances...but in reality, all study of sickness and disease by “science” is a study of the past...every study is a compilation of “facts” about physical bodies in the past....that's not totally a bad thing, because we can obviously learn from the past...but as we know from understanding the Law of Attraction, focus is creative...since we create what we focus on, simply studying a disease with intent focus most likely creates more disease to study...focusing on finding a "cure" for something is certainly a more positive focus of energy, but it still requires a belief in and focus on disease, which potentially yields more disease to be cured...
Again, a disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting that anyone reading this should stop taking their chemo-therapy or radiation or should cancel their surgical procedure or treatments for a serious illness...but I am saying, without apology, that if you want to be well, you are going to have to create and attract a different future for yourself, and stop the cycle of a self-perpetuating past...I can't tell you specifically how to do that...it's your life and it's your body and it's your reality...but I can tell you for sure that if you keep telling the same story you've told for the last 38 years, you'll never get away from the side of your own "Pool of Bethesda"...
The Scripture at the top of the post says "prosper and be in health as your soul (mind) prospers"...in the same way that focusing on trying to get out of debt generally attracts more debt, focusing on trying not to be sick tends to keep you sick...your body is designed to heal itself...take your medicine if you have to, but focus on being healthy...your thoughts manifest your reality into matter...what you believe and focus on determines what happens...as I said, if you're under a doctor's care, then believe that the treatments he/she administers are going to work, and connect them to positive energy, with a vision of a better future for yourself...
In every profession, the "experts" are only equipped with knowledge gathered and based upon past perceptions and observations, and that includes the medical world...remember, all things are possible, and every day medical science finds cases that they cannot explain away in conventional medical terms...these unexplainable cases are often called “Miracles”, but what they tell us is that the past doesn't have to dictate the future...
Someone said miracles are the "acceptance of perfect health and well being as the natural state of your existence"...sounds right to me...if you're in pain, it's certainly hard not to focus on it, but if you focus only on pain, sickness, and disease, you inevitably attract more pain, sickness, and disease to yourself...the Universe doesn't make a judgment call on whether or not your thoughts are good or bad...it just responds to the energy that you are sending toward these things through your thoughts and words, and assumes you want more of the same..."Take up your bed and walk" really just means "Start thinking a new way"..."Create a new energy"...
Even if you are manifesting sickness at this very moment, you can still shift your focus and rethink your beliefs about “Miracles”...the neuropaths in your brain are just like paths in the woods...the less you travel on them, the sooner they disappear...creating a new path isn't easy, but it can be done...if you had heard that poor man tell his sad, old story of victimization to Jesus, and had heard Jesus' seemingly irrelevant reply to him, you might think that Jesus didn't have compassion on him...but He actually did the man a huge favor by re-framing his future for him...and the man got results...he was completely restored to health, and didn't need an angel or magic waters to help him manifest it!
The past has no doubt created this moment, or the NOW...whether you think so or not, what you experience NOW, has come about based upon what you thought, believed, and felt in your past...this present moment is the accumulation of every thought, belief, perception, and desire, that you’ve ever had, but it does NOT have to determine your future experiences...you can keep taking your medicine or your treatment, if need be, and still begin to focus on creating a different future for yourself...whether you call it faith or "intention", you have creative ability to change things...the next moment is undecided and filled with every possibility...your future can be what you desire it to be, if you hold an intent and belief which are congruent with that vision...nothing is impossible...take up your bed and walk!
Jackie C Jenkins said...
ReplyDeleteAmen, Amen and Amen!
Ann Avion Jackson said...
ReplyDeleteAll we need sometimes is inspiration!! Thank you for sharing!!
Jordan D. Brown said...
ReplyDeleteYes, Lord!!
Barbara Clancy said...
ReplyDeleteToday, I was able to take up my bed and walk.
ReplyDeletePamela says a Zillion AMEN'S.... :)
DeleteJeanette Bolt Smith said...
ReplyDeleteThis was so great! I cannot tell you how awesome it is to be able to reconcile my metaphysical beliefs with Scripture. Until recently, I thought I had to put my Bible teaching aside if I wanted to believe in the Laws of the Universe. I am so glad that both belief systems can coexist in my life. Thank you so much!
DeleteI love it! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJere Luck said...
ReplyDeleteMan, that was a lot to process! I agree with it... I am convinced the power of the words "I AM", we haven't fully recognized yet. Still processing that...
Another great word! Thx!!
Deb Perkins Muehlstein said...
ReplyDeleteAmen... In agreement with your word... Love the pic!