"Simply a mind blowing message this morning! The sheer power of the subconscious is amazing! Ain’t God good!"
- KM
"Wow!!! I’ve never heard the soil & the seed explained that way before...it really puts a lot of things into perspective for me...Rhema word...
- KM
"Wow!!! I’ve never heard the soil & the seed explained that way before...it really puts a lot of things into perspective for me...Rhema word...
I do agree with the concept of being here or over there that’s it’s really the same place just a different dimension...I’m living my heaven on earth now"
- DM
"I streamed today after being on a work hiatus for a while. My Aunt passed away on Friday night and it’s as if you were fully engaged with everything going on - like our spirits never skipped a beat. I cannot explain the phenomenon in our spiritual connection, what I do know is it’s real and I’m eternally grateful for our connection. I’m always amazed by your gifts of the spirit."
- LH
"...I just want to say we really truly love and appreciate you. Your teachings have been manifesting in our lives at a rapid pace these past few weeks! Miracles and blessings have cascaded on us each and every day...May God continue to shower you with his many blessings!..."
- DM
"I streamed today after being on a work hiatus for a while. My Aunt passed away on Friday night and it’s as if you were fully engaged with everything going on - like our spirits never skipped a beat. I cannot explain the phenomenon in our spiritual connection, what I do know is it’s real and I’m eternally grateful for our connection. I’m always amazed by your gifts of the spirit."
- LH
"...I just want to say we really truly love and appreciate you. Your teachings have been manifesting in our lives at a rapid pace these past few weeks! Miracles and blessings have cascaded on us each and every day...May God continue to shower you with his many blessings!..."
- LY
"You know I loved today. It's so where I am right now. Living in "dimensions" was once so out there.. But now your teaching has given us keys!"
- FM"You know I loved today. It's so where I am right now. Living in "dimensions" was once so out there.. But now your teaching has given us keys!"
"Today's word was EVERYTHING!. Thank you Bish."
- BB