Thursday, July 31, 2014


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Who are you?

What are you?

For years we have heard this from teachings on the Scriptures: "You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body"...if you looked at yourself under a powerful electron microscope you would see that you are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on...Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond a shadow doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that repeatedly flashes into and out of being in milliseconds...nothing is solid...those of us who have a background in spiritual teaching already knew about this to some degree, but it has now been confirmed by the scientific community, especially through Quantum Physics...enlightened physicists have proven that thoughts put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the ‘objects’ that we see...your five senses perceive the sea of energy from a certain limited standpoint, and make up your image of reality from that is not complete, nor is it accurate...("for we know in part, and prophesy in part")...the picture of reality that we have compiled from our combined sense-knowledge is just an interpretation, and all of our interpretations are solely based on the ‘internal map’ of reality that we have, and not the real truth...

We've already discussed this in at least one previous post, but it is worth repeating: your ‘map’ is a result of your personal life’s collective experiences, and your thoughts are linked to this invisible energy, and they determine what the energy forms...the way you think on a daily basis literally shifts the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create the physical life that you lead...the physical world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth … until you change it...

Again, we have known some of this from the Scriptures ("...while we look not to the things which are seen, for the seen things are temporal, the unseen things are eternal")...but Quantum physics has shown us that the world as we have come to know it is not the hard, unchangeable thing it may appear to be, but is actually a very fluid place continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts...

We're learning by spiritual impulses what the human spirit is made of...Jesus said, "That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of spirit is spirit"...but we definitely already know what our bodies are made of...nine systems comprise the human body including the circulatory, the digestive, the endocrine, the muscular, the nervous, the reproductive, the respiratory, the skeletal, and the urinary systems...each of these systems is made up of tissues and organs, and those tissues and organs are made up of cells...every cell is made up of molecules, and molecules are comprised of atoms...atoms are made of sub-atomic particles, and those subatomic particles are made of energy! David, couldn't have understood all of this from a scientific paradigm in his day, but spiritually he understood it enough to declare that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made!"...

In a word, you are awesome! You are pure energy-light in its most beautiful and intelligent configuration...a direct product of the words "LET THERE BE LIGHT" are made up of dynamic energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface, and you control it all with your powerful are made out of the same substance that makes up the stars!

Have a beautiful day, and walk into the manifested reality in which you want to live...all things are the Police sang in the 80's, WE ARE SPIRITS IN THE MATERIAL WORLD!


According to the laws of Quantum Physics, every single thing in the universe basically exists as undefined energy until an observer focuses on it...reality is created through observation, and it is consciousness alone that collapses the wave-particle, ultimately causing manifestation...without consciousness, everything would exist only as pure potential...if we believe that God always was, we must also recognize that at some point "He" became conscious to the point of initiating creation...when we awaken in our consciousness, our intentions become increasingly powerful...there are infinite possibilities that need only intent to make real...

How does intention work? Through observation.

In order to observe or notice anything, you pretty much have to ignore everything else around it...intention is about focus...observation turns possibility into reality...we can create the life we want, as God did in creation "in the beginning" with consciousness alone...

Everything that happens in the Universe starts with intention and, as we have discussed, everything in the Universe is that happen separately and do not directly cause each other are acausal events (not governed or operating by the laws of cause and effect)...however, acausal events have a common cause which is's why "coincidence" isn't usually random...intent is what creates and synchronizes those separate events to fulfill a common purpose of which  they are a part...when you make a conscious choice through intention, the Universe takes care of the details necessary to fulfil that intention through Emerson said, it "conspires to make it happen"...

The whole universe functions by synchronicity...David said, "the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord"...when Paul tapped into this concept, he concluded that "all things work together for good"...every moment of our life operates in synchronicity...confirmation is happening all around us at all times...the only reason we do not experience synchronicity fully is that we are not in the state of awareness to notice that it is happening...but the more aware we become, the more we see that everything that is happening in every moment is happening together with everything else that is a part of fulfilling the intentions by which they were created...remember, you're here because the Elohim said "let us make people in our image, and let them have dominion"...

Make your intentions count today...focus on what you really want to create..."think on these things"...then open your eyes to become aware of how the Universe is bending toward manifesting the thing(s) on which you are's wonderful to be conscious, and it's a great day to be alive!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


What you see is what you get...Quantum physics shows us that the way we observe the universe in this present moment literally evokes the universe that is the book of Joshua we see the city of Jericho described as being completely unchanged from the way it appeared before the wandering of the Israelites in the wilderness, still absolutely militarily impenetrable ("none went in, and none went out"), and yet God says to Joshua, "See! I have given you the city!"...the emphasis is on the word "See!", not on the appearance of the conditions of the situation...our perception of the universe is a part of the universe that is happening through us that has an effect on the universe that we are observing...the Genesis account describes the work of the Creator and uses the words, "And God saw that it was good"...Quantum physics points out that it makes no sense whatsoever to talk of an objective universe separate or independent from the a word, the universe is what we see that it is...the world is what you see that it is...your life is what you see that it is...noted physicist John Wheeler said,“Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there,’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld. There is a strange sense in which this is a participatory universe.”

Not only does the observer change the present and the future by what he or she sees, he/she also changes the past in the same's why the "R" in the METRON acronym is the word RENEWAL...the quantum universe is one which pulsates in and out of the void multiple times every nano-second, endlessly recreating itself the Scriptures we see this concept manifested in the doctrine of Justification ("just as if they had never sinned"), and why we read in the Hall of Fame of Faith chapter (Hebrews 11), the biographies of the OT saints seeming to be Genesis we see Sarah mockingly laughing at the ridiculous notion of having a baby in her old age (she even gets rebuked for it), but in the NT the story is spun to imply that she laughed with joy, as in confirmation of a prophecy, and even shows her agreement by naming the baby Isaac, which means "laughter"...parallel realities, or a change in observation?

Each moment brings with it a potentially new past, which we are the ‘builders’ of in the present moment...we are here to write and re-write our own stories ("the Gospel according to you"), editing it and re-editing it until all concepts of victimization have been removed, and the story is told as a win/win tale... in this present moment right now there are endless is an infinitely layered moment in time, vibrating with unmanifested the future, when we consider this multi-dimensional moment in which we find ourselves, we will probably focus our attention and only remember a certain piece or aspect of this very moment, crystalizing it in time, and this will be our ‘memory’ of that seemingly past event...and yet, the way we remember this present moment in the future will have an actual effect on the way that moment in the future other words, the way we contemplate the past has a creative effect on how the present moment manifests....prophetic insight includes prophetic memory...remember this day as one of the most beautiful ones in your whole life...create your future...create your present...create your past...create your life...

Monday, July 28, 2014


Living your truth means living what you really believe about everything, including God, including your own spiritual journey, and including yourself...Gandhi said, “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”...he was describing in that quote the positive energy that vibrational harmony creates in our's not just enough to be aware that you are one with the have to also be sure that you are one with yourself in every way...let's look a little more closely at this great man's words...

"Happiness is when what you THINK is in harmony..."

You are what you think, and to think about something is to focus on it, and to focus on something is to concentrate your attention or energy on it..."attention" is what some would call "psychic energy"... pschic energy is both a living and a conscious thing...whatever you give psychic energy to, you are giving mental life to exist, which is why the more you place your mind on something, the more it lives...thinking about something energizes it...the less you think about it, the less power it has to remain alive...when you stop paying attention to something, it eventually ceases to exist over time...on the other hand, the more you focus on something, the more attractive and stronger your vibration becomes, and the more quickly that thing manifests in the "real world"...

 "Happiness is when what you SAY is in harmony..."

You are what you say, so it's very important to speak the truth...Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount to "let your yes be yes, and your no be no"...that statement resonates and has meaning for us on many levels, not the least of which is basic instruction on being clear in our intentions...but there's also something in His words that encourages us to be truthful...every time you tell the truth, you raise your level of consciousness, and tap into a stronger vibrational energy...that's why the truth makes you free...people generally tell lies to protect themselves in lower states of consciousness, but those who move through their life in higher states of consciousness don’t lie, as a rule, because they want to be true to themselves and to others, and to make relationships in humanity more conscious....

"Happiness is when what you DO is in harmony..."

What you think is what you say is what you're probably familiar with this famous Lao Tzu quote: “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”'s so true...we know that everything in the entire universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration...the Law of Attraction works according to the principle of vibration...every single thing vibrates, including your thoughts, and vibration is really just attracts energy that is of the same rate of a word, energy attracts like energy...truth attracts more truth...lies attract more lies...good deeds attract more good's that's why Jesus said, "to those who have will more be given" draw into your life whatever you focus on and emotionalize about, and attract to yourself everything and anything that you hold in your mind, whether wanted or unwanted...the Universe doesn't make a judgment call on whether your thoughts about a thing are good or bad (especially once you have disconnected your thought-life from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil), or positive or negative...simply by observing things, your reality is created...and thoughts attract like are what you think, and what you think determines what you attracts energy, which is why if you want something done, ask a busy person, and the more you do, the more you can's also why a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion...

I call you into pitch-perfect harmony today...harmony with the Universe...harmony in your thoughts, words, and actions...harmony in your spirit, soul, and body...harmony with your own can most certainly live the life that you want to live, and you can enjoy that life...Jesus didn't say "I came that you might go to heaven when you die"...He said, "I came that you might have LIFE, and that you might have it more abundantly"! That's what it's all about...have a beautiful and productive day!

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Beliefs produce energy. 

What you believe about God...what you believe about the world...what you believe about yourself...all the thoughts and beliefs that you carry with you, including your theology and your world-view, produce a particular energy around you that is affecting your life more than you realize...I certainly believe in God, but the God I believe in now isn't necessarily the one I grew up believing in (or trying to believe in, at least) I respect whatever you believe or don't believe about your God or your religion or your doesn't matter to me at all if your language of choice causes you to refer to your "Higher Power", or if you prefer to talk about your relationship with "The Universe" may believe in Intelligent Design, but are not comfortable with limiting the concept of a Deity/Creator to anthropomorphic dimensions or a particular gender...I get it..."Namaste"'s all good...if you're an atheist or an agnostic, I have no problem with you, and I know I can't argue you into believing in God...but I do believe in people, and I believe in communication, and I certainly believe in love, so you're good with me, and I want to try to understand why you think like you do...

Some people have opened themselves up to the idea of God through Quantum Physics, and even believe that it proves His existence...and it arguably does just that (in an indirect way), by providing an alternative to the philosophy of materialism (or “physicalism”, if you will)...materialism is basically the main intellectual opponent of belief in God in today’s a word, materialism is an atheistic philosophy that views all of reality as being reducible to matter and its has gained influence in the modern world because many people think that it’s supported by their world-view physics has shown the material world to be a closed system of cause and effect, sealed off from the influence of any non-physical, or un-seen (metaphysical) realities, if any actually that particular line of thinking, since our minds and thoughts obviously do affect the physical world, it would seem to follow that they are themselves merely physical room for a spirit-realities or soul-realities...

There was a time not so long ago when no self-respecting scientist would allow for spiritually as an answer to anything, and spiritual or religious people generally prided themselves in being intentionally non-scientific...but that is fast changing in this great Apocalypse (Unveiling), in large part because of Quantum Mechanics...this discipline/science/ideology throws a monkey wrench into the simplistic mechanical view of there are some things that the Bible just doesn't answer...things that continue to be mysterious to us, even though we have preached about them and prayed about them and searched the Scriptures to understand science can no longer claim to have all the answers neatly packaged and ready for delivery, either...bottom line, science and spirituality need each other...

No less a figure than Eugene Wigner, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, claimed that materialism, at least with regard to the human mind, is not “logically consistent with present quantum mechanics.”..and on the basis of Quantum Mechanics, Sir Rudolf Peierls, another great 20th-century physicist, said, “the premise that you can describe in terms of physics the whole function of a human being ... including [his] knowledge, and [his] consciousness, is untenable. There is still something missing.”...

Jesus told His disciples that a Helper was coming after He left Who would lead them into ALL TRUTH...not into Christianity...not into a world seen only through a Biblically created paradigm (since the Bible was compiled centuries after all those men passed away), but into ALL TRUTH...The Message Bible says in that passage "He will lead you into all the truth that there is"...

Thank God for science...thank God that seekers of truth of every stripe are finding that they are not as polarized as they thought...I know that the world is older than 6,000 years, and I don't believe that it was created in six 24 hour time has proven that the earth is at least several million years old...but I still believe in a Creator, and I call Him God...I still believe in the I believe in evolution? It's virtually impossible for any intelligent person to not see it's obvious reality, but I still believe that everything was supernatural in origin...God created it God bless Quantum Physics and the men who brought that science and way of thinking to our attention...God bless the people who believe in the Laws of Attraction...God bless all the religions of the world, and the people who penned Holy Writ...I might not believe everything they said, but I don't deny their sincerity in their search for transcendence, and I honor it...beliefs do produce's important to believe in something, even if you don't have all the answers...remember today that you can be totally open-minded, and still have a strong belief-system that works for you...come, Holy Spirit...lead us into all the TRUTH!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Creative visualization is a God-given method by which we are able to re-arrange our whole world with our thoughts, perceptions, and mental images...the power of visualization is based on the subconscious mind's inability to distinguish between reality and Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount, He said that if you had fantasized about committing adultery with someone, that you had actually committed adultery with them (Matthew 5:28)...the point He was making wasn't about acts of adultery...we already know His approach to that subject ("Neither do I condemn you..."), the point is actually about the reality of the thought-life being equivalent to the reality of the manifested life...thoughts are things, and they not only create reality, the are reality...Einstein came along nearly 2,000 years later and proved that energy and mass are equal and interchangeable (e=mc2) dealing with the subconscious mind, thought is the energy and the outcome of that thought is the mass...if thinking about adultery actually makes someone an adulterer, then wouldn't it stand to reason that thinking about abundance, success and prosperity would make a person abundantly supplied, successful and prosperous?

Visualization is a technique by which we use our imagination to create what we desire in the book of Genesis, we see that Jacob was very tuned into this...his dream of the stairway into heaven gave him a complete paradigm shift in his perception of everything, and what he learned from his success with putting the spotted and speckled rods in front of the cows to make them produce spotted and speckled calves in the 30th chapter of Genesis informed his prophetic understanding of Joseph's need for a coat of many colors...and once Joseph internalized the vision of the coat and what it represented, nothing could keep him from seeing his dreams one could take the coat away from him because it was now a colorful mental reality...

William Blake called the human imagination the “Bosom of God”...whether you realize it or not, you've been using visualization on some level and to some degree on a regular basis your entire life...everything that you see around you in the material world started as an idea in somebody's mind, a visual image that someone somewhere then translated into could even say that they were able to make the word become flesh...that's why Mr. Einstein concluded that “imagination is more important than knowledge”...

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, the same energy that God released when He said, "Let there be light"...He visualized it all, and thus created it, as the Spirit "hovered over the face of the deep"...we are all energy, and everything around us is energy, energy that vibrates at different rates or frequencies...the density of mass determines the rate at which it vibrates...a thought is a very light form of energy and can therefore change very quickly and easily, whereas a boulder is a very dense form of energy that does not change easily...but if you've ever visited the Grand Canyon, or Rock City in Chattanooga, you know that the fine, light energy of water eventually changes hard rock in very dramatic ways...ultimately, water is much stronger than the same way, the thought life is much more powerful than the present physical condition...water triumphs over rock...thoughts triumph over the material world...

Don't be afraid to dream, even if the things you've already visualized haven't materialized exactly as you thought they should...believe in your dreams like you would believe in your own children, and hold on to them and protect them with your life...the visualization of a successfully completed project means it's done, just as though it has already happened ("He declares the end from the beginning", "He calls those things which are not as though they are")...use your powers of visualization to create the desired outcome...visualize the person you want to be...visualize the life you want to have...visualize the way you want this day to turn out...then detach yourself from micro-managing everything, and relax into letting the subconscious mind do what it does best, transforming thoughts into tangible reality...

Friday, July 25, 2014


From the classic Beatles song 'Come Together' we heard the immortal line, "ONE THING I CAN TELL YOU IS YOU GOT TO BE FREE!" Truer words were never weren't built for slavery and were born to fly, destined to know how to go with the flow, and to enjoy abundant life to the fullest...let yesterday go so that you can be free to experience all the beauty of yourself from pettiness and hidden agendas of manipulation, and forgive people quickly, so that you don't live out your days bound and handcuffed to bitterness and past offenses...declare your liberation from self-defeating belief systems, and move away from any inner monologue in which you tell yourself things that are contrary to the best and the brightest...get yourself free from overthinking every decision, or always needing to defend yourself, or driving yourself crazy with re-playing old negative conversations in your doesn't matter who was right or wrong in a doesn't matter that you weren't able to prove your doesn't matter that you don't know how everything is going to work out tomorrow...avoid all the ego-traps and be free in your free with your positive free in your free in your affection for your loved free to love yourself and to believe in yourself and to praise your life and to talk up the good free to free to turn off the victim free to enjoy your blessings with no limitation and no free to stop worrying about what everyone else will free to be happy and to live a big life out in the open...out in the fresh air and sunshine...have a beautiful weekend...

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Words are energy...every word that we speak releases an energetic vibration...every word we speak IS an energetic vibration, and creates some reality in some dimension somewhere...there are infinite potential realities out there, all waiting to manifest in our lives, and our thoughts and words are the connections, the paths/gateways for any one of those realities to show up in what we call the rea...l world...negative words are energetic junk food...they produce something, but it's never what we really want...they tap us into undesirable frequencies that cause the wrong reality to manifest...

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver"...a right word spoken at the right time has the ability to strike a chord within...a single appropriate word can instantly melt our heart or infuse us with anger...a word can make or break a relationship...the vibration of one particular word can completely change our perspective on anything...Jesus told the woman, "FOR THIS SAYING your daughter is made well"'s easy for any of us to take words for granted, because after all, they’re just words—right?...I think we all know better...

Words matter...regardless of the language we speak, our words connect us on a far deeper level than just getting our point's not just about communication, it's about creativity...the building blocks of the universe are faith-filled words ("And God said...and it was so...")...the gift of language allows us to become active creators from the moment we utter our first word...that's why when a child transitions from vocalizing baby-sounds to speaking actual words, it's usually a celebrated event...whether parents realize it or not, their baby's first little uttered word is more than just a developmental milestone, it marks the genesis of when that child enters the realm of conscious creation...from then on, conscious choice begins to replace natural instincts, and the child begins the amazing journey of creating his or her own destiny...but, what about people who can't speak?...I've been asked that a lot over the years, and I don't have all the answers, but I personally believe that in those cases, the individual's thoughts become the dominant vibratory frequency...also, they have the advantage of not having to deal with any negative realities that they might have created for themselves with negative words...but if you can speak, you posses a powerful ability to create the world in which you want to live...the bottom line for all of us is this: who and what you are today is the product of what you said yesterday, and what you are saying today will determine who and what you will be is going to be wonderful, wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"And God said, 'LET THERE BE LIGHT" (particularly Quantum Physics) teaches us that everything that exists in the universe consists, at its core, of pure energy...everything is interconnected with everything else, both the seen (or the 'physical'), and the unseen (what some would call the 'metaphysical') if everything in existence at its core is comprised of this same vibrating mass ...of pure energy (both the seen as well as the unseen), then what the most enlightened teachers in the history of the world have taught, and spiritual texts have shown for thousands of years is true...we really are all ONE!

Here's the thing...all things (including you) are basically made out of the very same vibrating mass of pure energy that is intricately interconnected with and to everything really doesn't matter which avenue you choose to study, whether spirituality, religion, rightly dividing the Scriptures, Quantum Physics, Laws of Attraction, human physiology, cosmology, etc., the bottom line is that all avenues will ultimately lead you to the very same conclusion ("the Knowledge of the Lord fills all the earth"), and that conclusion is that we really are all ONE...

You don't have to be a minister or a priest or a rabbi or an imam or a mystic or a shaman or a swami to get can see it just through the simple observation of nature ("the heavens declare the glory of God")...Jesus' famous prayer of John 17 was totally a reaffirmation of this fact...ONENESS is what it's all about...that's why the power of agreement is so's why Paul exhorted the Corinthian church to all "speak the same thing"...diversity is a beautiful thing, and I certainly want to live in a world where there is a constant exchange of different ideas among and between people with different world-views...a healthy society is based largely on that freedom...and I absolutely believe in the sovereignty of the individual, and celebrate my own uniqueness, as I believe everyone's important to know that you're special, and why...but on the very deepest level, we're all ONE! Be connected to that ONE source of Light and energy today in your thoughts and words, and draw strength from it (I'll resist the temptation to say "May the force be with you!" here)...

You are not are not are not cut in harmony with others and with yourself and with your own destiny today...speak words that create ONENESS-awareness within yourself, and in all your in harmony with nature and with the ancestors and with the universe and with are made out of the very same Light (energy) that started it all!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


"Let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning..."...we've been talking about this concept of tuning into the original creative information about ourselves mentioned at least a couple of times in John's first epistle for many years now, and yet I feel like we've only begun to scratch the surface of what this really means for all of us...your life is a manifestation of a creative word from the Intelligent Designer..."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God"...the Greeks called it the 'Logos' or the logic of God, as in "In the beginning was the Logos"'s where we get the word 'theology' from...theos (Gr. for God)- logic...the logic of the Creator...the people who spoke Aramaic (the language that Jesus spoke) called it "willed action", as in 'In the beginning was willed action, and that willed action was with God, and that willed action was God"...

If you aren’t living from who you really are, and you're not walking in your deepest truth, manifesting yourself into the physical world as the being that God created you to be, then you're probably not enjoying your life very were actually created, or rather spoken into existence, "in the beginning" (or, as the Concordant Literal New Testament puts it, "in A beginning")...but once you got here you began to hear many different voices telling you who you were, and not all of them were consistent with how you were fashioned to be from "in the beginning"...when we agreed with these voices, we developed over time a certain internal belief system about who we were, and our strongest psychological human drive has been to behave consistently with that system of beliefs...our subconscious has even been working throughout our lives to make sure that we all fall “in-line” with what we genuinely think our core identity is on a certain level...("Train up a child in the way HE should go [and in keeping with HIS INDIVIDUAL GIFT OR BENT], and when he is old he will not depart from IT." - Proverbs 22:6 - Amplified Bible)...unfortunately, many if not most of us were not trained up in the way that WE should go, according to our individual gift or bent, and as a result we have believed ourselves to be something that is the exact opposite of who we actually are...this false self-belief is often completely out of sync with what was said about us "in the beginning", and that's why it is not Logos-compatible (i.e. it is theo-illogical)...this distorted self-perception is generally at the core of all of our stress, pain, worry, and dissatisfaction in life...

Little by little we have to "let that abide in us which we heard from the beginning"...we can't make it happen, we have to let it happen...we have to strip away later after layer of psychological paint that has been added to our self-image...words, thoughts, beliefs that were only cosmetic in nature...they only covered up the truth...but when we continue to scrape away at every layer that is false, we eventually uncover our true identity...our "God identity" that finally feels "logical" to our souls, in the flow of the Logos that was spoken "in the beginning"...that's how we finally live authentically and in congruence with who we were created by God to be...once that happens, transformation is effortless (that's why John goes on in that chapter to say "you have no need that any man should teach you")...after that, it's easy (theo-"logical") to identify the true source and real meaning of ALL our limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging programs/agendas, and destructive cellular memory that restricts our full human potential…when we finally "let that abide in us which we heard from the beginning", it all finally starts to make sense...

Monday, July 21, 2014


You can choose the energy that you want to create for your day today....

Every thought that you think, every word that you speak has a certain vibration that creates a particular energy, and that energy moves things and changes things and creates your reality...

If you don't like the energy that you created with your thoughts and words yesterday, then simply re-frame your reality can't u...n-say what you've already said, but you can harness the power of now by simply being present in this moment, this day, and talking up today's new is what matters...forgive yourself for whatever you created yesterday that you're not happy with, be grateful for the new opportunities that the new day brings, and then move into the wonderful, fresh, clean, un-spoiled now...there is a miracle in your mouth...release it with words of gratitude and hope...speak your vision...don't waste a second on regret or worry...good and amazing things are swirling all around you, so tap into them and make them yours...get on the good foot...tune into a better frequency and move, move, move into a higher consciousness, a larger mental space, a better reality...the Scriptures talk about "calling those things which are not as though they are"...that's where it's it, speak it, declare it, announce it, proclaim it, shout it...whatever you have to do to get into a better reality, just do it! Yes, you can...LET THERE BE LIGHT!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” Solomon tells us that all we have or will have comes from our heart...the word "heart" in the Hebrew there is closer to "soul's desire" and/or "imagination" other words, the thoughts that occupy the majority of your thinking will ultimately manifest for you and through you...regardless of your intention, what you ...think about the most will just naturally show up in your life...that's why it's more productive to meditate on abundance than it is to focus on trying to get out of debt...being out of debt is a great thing, but if that's all that you are concentrating on, you will inadvertently and ironically attract more debt and financial problems to yourself...the universe doesn't make a judgment call on WHAT you're thinking about debt, only that you're thinking about it a lot...the vibration of the thought is what is creative...

“As a he thinks in his heart, so is he…..”... this Proverb is generally taken out of context, but it still makes the point that what you think about the most you will most likely become...basically, you were designed to gravitate to your most dominant thought...

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.” other words, Jesus was saying here that a person’s heart will bring forth either good or bad, depending on what’s in it...that being said, I do believe that the more that the Tree of Life becomes dominate in your thinking, you will automatically move away from the concepts of good vs evil (Tree of the Knowledge of...)...but the point is still valid, and that is that everything in your outside world is directly linked to and finds its origin in your interior world...

So think about abundance and provision today...meditate on all that you have, and express your gratitude for it...few things in the universe are more attractive than gratitude...being grateful attracts more things for which to be sends out a very positive and powerful vibration...there is so much money in the much abundance...there is more than enough for you and for everything that you need...remember, you "prosper as your soul (mind/imagination/self-image) prospers"...enjoy your abundant life!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


The word ‘apocalypse’, which is often used as a fear-invoking way of referring to the 'end of times', is actually a Greek word that simply means ‘unveiling’...this current time/season is, in fact, an apocalypse, but not in the popularized negative sense...the era in which we are living is a time for an unveiling of truth...

Jesus talked about 'the end of the age', not the end of the world, as so many theologians who have taken His words out of context have said...

The Mayans weren't really wrong about I understand it, they weren't predicting that the end of the world was going to happen a couple of years ago as much as they were predicting a shift in cosmic consciousness ("the knowledge of the Lord shall fill all the earth as the waters cover the sea")...

What the prophet Joel saw as a time in which the Spirit would be poured out on all flesh is perhaps what astrologers call the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (who pours water out of an urn)...and that began, as I understand it, around 2012...

Just as Toto pulled back the curtain to reveal the truth about the Wizard, we too are being shown the reality of our own that classic story (parable), Dorothy’s companions came to the realization that the great and mighty Oz was nothing more than a deceitful and fearful human being, and that their own personal power had always resided within...

The same is true for us (Paul talked about Christ being revealed IN HIM when he was finally separated from his religious tradition) the truth unveils itself into our awareness, all untruths are passing away, and we are finding ourselves having to see things for what they actually are for the first a word, it's the greatest time to be alive...there is certainly so much in the world that needs improvement, and if you choose to have a world-view that sees the glass half-empty, you can find a lot to get depressed about...but everywhere I look I see improvement...I see possibilities...I see awareness...I see opportunity...and I believe that it's only going to get better...have a beautiful day...

Friday, July 18, 2014


Be yourself.

Live your truth.

Follow your path.

Do what you know you need to do, and don't allow any distractions to get you off course.

You can spend your life trying to please everyone else, working hard to live out their dream for you, and fulfill their vision for your life...or you can claim ownership over your own destiny, and manage your own dreams without apology or excuse, and live the lif...e that brings you the most peace and happiness. You have the choice. You can't please everyone. You can't be there for everyone at every minute of every day. You can't make everyone understand your position on everything. You just have to live your life in the best way you know how, and believe that as the universe conspires to honor the decisions you've made about your own journey, that the people around you will adjust accordingly. You don't need to over-explain everything. You don't have to feel guilty about not being able to make everyone happy all the time with everything you do and say. But you can find joy in knowing that, in time, what is right and real about you will remain, and that as you live the life you were meant to live, you will subliminally give permission to the people in your world to find peace on their own path, and to put you in the proper perspective in their own world-view.

Enjoy every minute of this beautiful day, and choose to be happy...and remember to love yourself through all of it! You are totally awesome!


Create your day.

You have the power to design lay out the template of it right now by your words and intentions.

Yes, it is the day that the Lord has made, but the Creator's ultimate act of creativity is that He created creators who have His ability to do amazing things ("As He is, so are we in this world..."), so it's also the day that you make!

Use what you have in your hand to make today extraordinary.

There are people out there who are willing to help you do what you need to do. There are people you haven't met yet who will love you when they make a connection with you. There is more than enough money for whatever you need. There is health. There is happiness. There are business opportunities. There is favor. There are great ideas to be had. There are serendipitous occurrences trying to happen. There are doors waiting to open. It's all around you.

The atmosphere is literally pregnant with possibilities, so use your own inherent abilities to tap into all of it. Got some bad news yesterday? Re-frame your reference and re-think it. Crop the picture. Edit the story. Call it a blessing in disguise and begin to re-imagine it. Got too much on your plate this week? Tune into a higher frequency and refuse to be overwhelmed by it, and just begin to knock it out. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...go make it happen!


You are valuable.

Your contribution to the world matters.

You are special and unique and beautiful in ways that you don't even realize.

When someone gives you a compliment, believe that they are telling you the truth about yourself. Don't try to downplay it. Accept and receive it, and agree with them in your heart. It doesn't matter that you haven't done everything exactly right...what matters is that you've kept going...that you got back up and tried again, even when you perceived that you totally blew it. You're still a winner. It doesn't matter that other people have hurt probably wasn't even about you, was about them acting out on their own insecurities, and the likelihood is that they are really sorry that it even happened at all, but are too preoccupied with their own pain to do anything about it now. Have compassion on them and let it go. It doesn't matter that you need to lose a few pounds, or that your nose isn't perfectly shaped, or that that you're not tall enough, or that you wish you were lighter or darker. You're really fine just like you are, and besides, you know that that's not really what your beauty is about, anyway. You are intelligent. You are strong. You are attractive. You're a good person to know. Nobody expects you to be perfect, so just be who you are and truly believe that that is enough.