Thursday, March 26, 2015


As we have discussed here on the blog many times before, the Law(s) of Attraction, in its simplest and most basic form dictates that "like attracts like"...when we take that simple idea further, we can draw the conclusion that our thoughts, both conscious and unconscious, are the basis for our reality... 

I know that we've covered this territory, extensively, but we have to keep it in front of us so that we don't forget how important our thoughts are...the things that we focus our thoughts and attention on are the things that are going to grow and multiply in our's just that simple...

If people continually focus on the lack in their lives, even when they disguise their thought process in the form of "prayer requests", that aspect of their reality will grow and multiply...when they "pray", motivated by thoughts of how much they don’t have, or out of envy or bitterness toward those who have more than they do, or out of fear of losing what they do have, then their very prayers become counterproductive and work against them...  

Directing our thoughts continually toward fear and lack will, according to The Law(s) of Attraction, beget more fear and lack...again, Jesus said, "To them that have will more be given, and to them who have not will more be taken away" a word, we are all determining our own level of external abundance by our internal consciousness...

If, on the other hand, people focus their thoughts and attention on the abundance already present in their lives, the blessings they have received and continue to receive every day, then those are the things that will grow and multiply in their lives...the Law of Genesis states that everything will ultimately produce after its own kind, so it stands to reason that blessing begets blessing and abundance begets abundance...

The one key to unlocking the power of The Law(s) of Attraction in our lives is gratitude...the more that you express gratefulness for what you now have, the more you have for which to be embracing the feeling of appreciative thankfulness and applying it to every area of our lives, we arm ourselves with the power to overcome fear, lack, envy, resentment and all of the other negative emotions that heighten the wall between ourselves and the lives we dream of...Abundant Life is available to ALL...

Many people, when they are first introduced to the idea of Attraction, immediately and instinctually think of how it can be applied to money, but Abundant Life is much more than just's why Jesus talked about "the deceitfulness of riches"...being prosperous doesn't mean being rich...

If you view The Law(s) of Attraction simply as a "get rich scheme", you're missing the point, entirely...Attraction and, in fact, true wealth are about much more than that...true wealth/abundance/prosperity applies to more than just the numbers in our bank applies to the fullness and satisfaction we are able to achieve in every area of our's about ENJOYING life with our families and our friends, and having careers that are about purpose, and living every day to the's about enjoying being alive, content with our current level of manifestation, while always knowing that more is on the way, and will manifest as we need it...

It's very possible for a person to possess great quantities of money, and still be very impoverished, indeed..."What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?"'s also possible for a person to possess a modest bank account and live simply, and still enjoy great wealth...if you like what you do every day, and it makes you happy to make a contribution to humanity through your efforts, and you are able to make a living at it and have all that you really need, then you are prosperous!

It all boils down to our ability to feel gratefulness for what we currently have and for everything we have previously experienced...but when you are consistently grateful, you will automatically attract abundance to yourself, even if you're not really looking for can't separate the two...grateful people get more stuff...the very word "affluent" literally means "in the flow", and grateful people just enjoy gliding in the current of the River of Life, and then everything they need flows into their reality without them stressing over how to make the river move...when you choose happiness, you will attract more things that make you happy, and happiness attracts more abundance...

You don't have to pray about your "lack" situation, you just have to think differently about it..."The Father knows what you have need of"...when Jesus said to consider the lilies of the field, He was basically explaining the Law(s) of Attraction...His sermon wasn't about prayer and prayer requests for getting out of debt, it was about changing the way you THINK about abundance...all that stuff about lilies and sparrows and "Seeking first the Kingdom of God" is about PERSPECTIVE and ATTITUDE and THOUGHTS...

Stop worrying so much and start attracting a better reality to yourself by just enjoying what you have right now...

Stop praying so much about your needs, and start creating a different experience by your better thoughts...

God is good, and the Universe is Abundant...

And don't say that you can't, because you totally can!

Gratitude is a learned thought process, but it's easy to do...


  1. Greg Grantham said...

    Great post

  2. Robin Hester Martin said...

    Yes, NE , I concur :-)

  3. Wayne D. Chang said...

    Well said, Bishop.

  4. Cheryl Bearden said...

    Beautifully said!

  5. Cheryl W. Stephens said...

    I started working on more gratitude and less negativity. It has become quite a learning experience. It was extremely difficult to drop the negative and speak in gratitude and thankfulness but it has been well worth the effort. The praise and gratitude comes much easier now. The blessings and miracles show up every single day! Even when I slip up and a negative thought crosses my mind, I focus on the good that could come from it and speak the positive into existence. As a very wise man spoke in a sermon a few years back. ... God wants to show you how good He can be! So we're moving from glory to glory!

  6. A James Collins said...

    Gr8 post! Njoy life!

  7. Avery Price Rogers said...

    "stressing over how to make the river move..." -- great visual... Seems it might even be an oxymoron . :-) While I pictured this river, and felt the energy on it for me, I was reminded of the allowance my parents started when I was in school...which covered lunches for the month. That money was stolen early one month--and I waa "allowed" to fix my lunch at home every morning. The next month, the allowance (AND not carrying it all with me) flowed in again. My point: I'm just realizing how grateful I am for that early experience...thanks thief! But mostly, thanks for the deep understanding of trust Mom and Dad!

  8. Jeremy Lopez said...

    I completely agree!!! Amen and amen!!!! Sounds like a good radio show!

  9. Nadine Coker said...

    Awesome and a great reminder.

  10. Shana Scudder said...

    Fantastic reminder - exactly what I needed to hear today. I'm totally sharing this.

  11. Ralph Martin said...

    Very well worded Bishop...... Made simple Yet Profound!

  12. Frances Martin said...

    I love this! Great!
