“Literally the best one yet!!”
- JG
- BB
“…The sunset meditation was held in a pavilion close to the Pier rather than the beach due to the weather being iffy...as it turned out, that was exactly the place it needed to be. It felt like we were in an upper room and felt a rushing, mighty wind (literally and figuratively). The Spirit of God was among us for certain. There were many of us that needed to release things that no longer served us, and it was powerful…”
“…we’re glad we came”
- DC
“…thank you Bishop for an absolutely powerful and transformative experience.”

“…Today was a glorious day full of laughter, some tears, and some emotions that words cannot describe. Raw, pure, and messy emotions. I never know for certain what's going to happen on these Meditation Weekends. What I do know is that it'll be something profound and confirmation of what we may already know, but we may block ourselves from realizing. I always get what I need…”
- EJ
“Thank you for doing these, last night was wonderful, you’re a very gifted man to operate in the spirit and be used to touch souls in this kind of way…”
“Thank so much for last night. I knew I needed something and I came with an expectation...Last night lived up and more. On to what God has in store for #19 I can't wait…”
- SS
“This meditation right here!!!! This had a little something extra on it...Healing!”
- BB
"The Spirit of God met us here and changed our lives forever!"
- RF
"seismic…epic…and vibrant MM18 was…"
"Rabbi, this weekend was SO powerful.....I cannot adequately put my experience into words! All I know is I am still buzzing....and when you anointed my head with oil....I felt a huge shift! someone said today I even looked like I was glowing! No doubt in my mind it is Spirit within me....I am so appreciative of your gifts and your willingness to share them. I love you and Ken and all of METRON community"
- JT
"What I got there, I could not have gotten anywhere else!"
- CC
"This was exquisite Bishop! The residual effect is gonna be even more awesome! Thank you for your guiding us to green pastures! We love you!"
- LY
"Your movement and presence in this world is so needed. Thank you Bishop for such and awesome and moving Meditation weekend!" - BJB