Sunday, December 29, 2019

TODAY AT METRON - 12/29/19

"A fantastic Service to end the year with the anticipation of all the wonder and inspiration that awaits us for the new year!"
- RM
 "What an absolutely amazing last Sunday of the decade... What a way to end a year and enter the rest of eternity loving everything about this life... and looking forward to 2020 with great expectation of the best yet to come... I'm so excited about this new year... So much wonder Is in the future... so much to explore... what we've seen is only the tip of the iceberg... There is so much more to enjoy... So much more to experience... The journey is amazing, especially enjoying it with my Metron family... My journey is a celebrated one for sure...

Also, the blue light behind you and Jonah on the pictures is interesting with the move of the spirit that was manifested today... It reminds me of the story you tell of the guy that saw the blue light when you were preaching somewhere... super cool..."

"Jonah's music was so anointed! That peace anointing was strong. The message was great, all of the quotes and I loved the prophetic word at the end. Specific enough to be potent and general enough to include everything. Many have already experienced that word in their consciousness, but many need it. Thank you again Jim!"
- DW
"Thank you Bishop for today....and to everyone"
- PH
"Today was a great vibration with how I'm feeling about the path of my journey. This year has opened up to me so many things I once only heard about but now know for certain. Thank you for expanding our belief past what we have been taught. As the older people would say, "You've gotten above your raising"...Yes, and I stand and applaud you for raising the standard of what is spiritual now."
- FM
"Bish you were on point today. You go boy!"
- BB

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