Sunday, November 12, 2017

METRON - 11/12/17

"Today’s message was a total paradigm shift for me! 
Amazing from beginning to end!"
" you were hot (right on it) today.
love you"
- DC
"Today was so next level... It was really good. Meditation was the best yet. 
I believe we could of gone thirty minutes and we would still want more."
- FM
"Today was just so good. Perfect timing for us to return to Metron."
- HU
"...YES! Loved the word and you make "getting it" easy...YES YES YES!
So great on so many levels! Love you!
"Today was so awesome I'm talking about so next level of awesomeness"
- PW

"The shift is real...and continuing. Last year an important discovery was made. A new kind of LIGHT...NO, SERIOUSLY. A discovery that led to even more discoveries spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Bish Jim, your latest shift almost coincided with it as did mine and, I'm certain, many others at METRON as well as worldwide. New Truth is being shared...creations groanings are again giving birth. It's a real pleasure to be sharing it with you & the METRON Fam."
"...I just need u to know this - you changed my life for the positive in ways I can’t articulate. I was choking on...religion. Smart enough to know that could not be right. But stupid enough to just keep doing it. And then you came along...But I need you to know this: your impact, your influence is not just where u can measure it. It’s those we influence and spread the amazing Good News to. ...Keep on keeping on!!! are teaching truth. And we are spreading it!!! Xoxox"
- JL
"...Bishop Jim Swilley was awesome delivering the NOW word."

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