Sunday, September 15, 2024


"Your teaching today at Metron was absolutely next level! Still trying to wrap my heart around the implications of walking in light of my own divinity and what that looks like…"
- TC
"Awesome word...You betta let Him use you!"
- BB
"Wonderful word today. Just the fuel I need"
- CC

"...As the sun’s rays came through the blinds this morning, my mind went back to how you debunked the famous Christianese statement, "Jesus is the sun, and we are the moon, a reflection of the sun." Then the Lord reminded me of the scripture you used to support the concept, “Just as He is, so are we in this world.“ An explosion happened within my soul that destroyed the foolishness of the “less than” mentality! Thank you for revelation and having the courage to speak Truth."

- RF

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