Sunday, July 7, 2024


"Absolutely nothing better than a real message from a real pastor to make a real difference in my life…Thank you!"
- TC
"Thank you for the great word today. I think that was specifically for my son! He got a lot out of the word!"
"I was just listening to this morning's message again, it’s even powerful the 2nd time around. Peace for my soul. You were absolutely speaking to me.🙌🏽🙌🏽"
- RK

7/8 - "Just getting the opportunity to watch Metron. Bishop, I hope you know that your stories are always “The Word” we are in need of. As you stated in your message..when you tell your story, you’re telling ours. Your candidness is a gift of acknowledgement and validation of the human experience. Thank you for that! It was much needed tonight."
- DS

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