"Today it was great to be present at Metron. I have missed that connection that goes past anything you can get online. Not knocking online, it was vital during 2020...I always feel like I'm just picking up a conversation where we left off. Thank you! BTW, I love the idea of 1st Sunday at the theater."
"Great message"
- EN
"Great being with everyone again...thanks for bringing a good word. I loved the word IMMERSED by the spirit. It is a fusion. A "LORD fusion". That we all may be made one and fused together. His melding...for we truly are the I AM in the world..."as the Father has sent me, so send I you". Thank you again.
- KC
"So great to see you, Bishop! It was a great service. - MBC
"It was awesome being together again..."
"Fabulous message and energy today!"
- KB
"I was so tried from my show last night, but I was not going miss our Anniversary today at Metron in the Theater, and it was so worth it. Confirmation after confirmation. Bis, your message today was powerful. Seeing beyond my thinking. Bless you!"
- CC
"Absolutely awesome"
- LY
"What a Treasure Today Was! You Had to Be There"
- LB
"Bishop! Metron in the theatre was everything I knew it would be! Any time you walk out on any platform, be it a stage or the rooftop of a highrise building..it's always a powerful experience. I love it all! You never disappoint! But there truly does seem to be a certain type of magical energy and illumination on you when you step out in front of an eager, pourous congregation in your favorite theatre! You, your suit and tie..your infectious joy..the big screen behind you..candles..a live meditation. Whewww! That's my JAM!"
- DS

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