This weekend was magical, spectacular, electrical, and words that I just can't articulate...the 2018 Cherokee NC meditation weekend....I got to be with my Metron family which was a special treat...the spirit hovered over the place the whole time...Bishop touched my head and his hand was so warm and soothing that peace flowed all over my body....we walked and I didn't get tired or weak, we put a leaf in the river and watched our cares float away.....we saw elk, chickens, pigs, we hugged, cried, took pictures capturing the moments, we just plain loved on each black, white, straight, gay, poor, rich, just one mind, one body and that's heaven on earth...I love my Bishop Jim Swilley and make no apology for it, I love my Ken Marshall and that's just that....can't wait for the next adventure gonna be better than the last one."
"Wow! What a beautiful day, peace n love 2 my metron family.”
- WT
"Seeing this makes me feel good. Everybody there is helping themselves to a better life..."
“...I want to thank you Bishop Jim Swilley for planning such a great get away. We had such a wonderful experience. As much as you put into planning a trip for you and Ken Marshall, you didn’t short change us at all. Everything was so great. The weather was beautiful and all the extra things we got to see were so nice. Each meditation trip is different from the one before... I’m sure everyone that was there will agree with me...We’re ready to plan the next one.”
“...It was unlike any other. Rest in it.”
"This weekend was very soulful, holistic and spiritual. Meditation with my Metron Family was a very anointed experience. The Spirit was speaking so many things. My takeaway was simply PEACE, GROUNDED, HE HAS AND WILL SUPPLY MY NEEDS.”
"I have been hearing Bishop say let there be light before every service for years and today was just another confirmation that light always wins!”
- WC
"Meditation Weekend III. Each one of these weekends had a special power. This one was no different...The power of nature's presence was so strong... Absolutely awesome weekend…”
“...thanks for the memories, my life will not be the same again…”
- BY
"...Thank you...providing the opportunity to experiencing another meditation weekend getaway in the mountains of North Carolina this past weekend. All of you make me feel like a Queen with the support you guys give me..."
“...I teach that everything is conducive to its environment, the environment around Cherokee is "Sacredness" of its ancestors. I observed the spirit of its history spread throughout our group of people a genuine Love and Appreciation for each other, making our purpose for being there more real... Our purpose for going to Cherokee was beyond all expectations a big thank you to Bishop Jim Swilley for his foresight and vision to direct a people into discovering their Higher Self…”
- RM

"This past weekend with was very Spiritual for me. I started my Plant Based Journey about 3 years ago this month and it was not all about food... it was also about my Spiritual Journey as well. Learning how to not just pray but Meditation and learning how to be still and Reflect. So...I drove up to Cherokee, NC...I was able to Reflect on the Goodness of God! Breathing God's air into my lungs (something we take for granted) Stretching, Walking, and Allowing Gods Light to Shine on me (Something we take for granted), and Releasing our Thoughts into the River was Enlightening. Even tho I didn't speak much there, the words that came to me were Renew/Transform Your Mind... which have been my words for this year. I have been on a Journey, understanding my purpose... Unlearning things that I was taught and Introducing New Adventures into my Life. Thank you Jim Swilley for an AMAZING weekend... I felt the warmth and power as you laid hands on me. I will forever be grateful to him because I remember when he laid Hands on me 7 years ago. Can't wait till the next Meditation/Wholeness Retreat!!!"
- KH