"Today was an all around "awesome" day. Great message...and to top it off, grand opening of Jim Swilley studio of art. Awesome day with the best vibrations. Like a B12 injection. Feels good!"
- FM
"...today the spirit of God led me to one of my favorite Bishops. But to others you know him as Bishop, Pastor, loving father, loving husband, entrepreneur, author, TV host and TV/ news commentator , civil rights activist, leader and activist for the LGBT community, artist, ( ps , side note go check out and purchase his art , it will bless the soul and bring Healing. That's right, art can bring Healing just like music. The Great Architect of the Universe uses all kinds of ways to heal her children. ) I could go on and on
He really is all that and a bag of chips, plus he's one sharp dresser with swagger to spare. But to me I call him friend Jim Swilley. Please watch this and grow spiritually. Be touched by the hand of the creator of all and feel his love for all of his children do. If you live close to his church in Atlanta, please attend his church. It will enrich your life.."
- JB
- JB
"...I got a great word from my Bish...Jim Swilley...and a really cool gallery opening by a hot new artist. Check him out!...Great way to start the week! Great job Bish!

What a way to kick start the day of celebration off with Chandra in the house! Love her! The 4th man in the fire... Wow! Rhema word for me... We will overcome & come thru... Yes we can & we will <3
"Such a great message."
- FM
- FM
"Awesome word."
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