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Photo by Ken Marshall |
It is Harvest Time, and the prelude to the Holiday Season...harvest, of course, is the process of gathering mature crops from the fields...harvest marks the end of the growing season, or the growing cycle for a particular crop, and the social importance of this event makes it the focus of seasonal celebrations such as a Harvest Festival, found in many religions...
Those of us who came from a strong New Testament background have a tendency to avoid the word "Law" as much as possible, because of its connection to the Law of Moses that Jesus came to fulfill, and then ultimately do away with...but "Law" is not a negative word, in and of itself...the entire Universe is based on a system of laws, and it is important to know about them, and about how they work...in fact, the OT prophets had a vision of the New Covenant, in which God says He will write His "Laws" on the hearts of the people, so that ALL would know Him...even in the Day of Grace, the essence of God is still manifested through laws...
The Law(s) of Attraction...The Law of Karma (or The Law of Sowing and Reaping)...The Law of Love...The Law of Gratitude...The Laws of Prosperity...The Law of Forgiveness...all of these realities which are manifested as Cosmic Laws or Universal Principles are put in place for our benefit, and when we know how to operate successfully in them, we experience Abundant Life...
The Law Of Return (or Manifold Return) is that Universal Principle in which gifts freely given for Spiritual Use, or for the good of humankind, return to the grantor blessings equal to or greater than many times the loss...in His parable about the 'Sower who Sows the Word', Jesus talked about a potential 30fold, 60fold, or even 100fold return in the lives of those who received the "seed", or the Sower's message, and responded to it...the size of the return/harvest, according to Jesus, was determined by the quality of the "soil" in each individual's life...He even said that you had to comprehend this Parable to be able to understand the rest of them...
In other words, this particular Parable about the Law of Return (Harvest) is the Key that unlocks the truth of the rest of The Parables...
The Law of Return is more complex than just basic "sowing and reaping"...it works on the Universal Principle that when a vacuum is created, it must be filled...and when a seed is supernaturally planted in supernatural soil, it will bear fruit greater than its weight and/or original value...the Law of Return is all about a HARVEST of blessing...
Jesus said, "To those who have, more will be given"...
Sometimes the Law of Return manifests as the Law Of Vibration, which affirms that any vibration which is sent out for good, for service, or simply in the flow of love of gratitude, inevitably increases into higher frequencies as it moves through space until it returns to its origin...it then brings with it the gifts of those higher frequencies...it's what Isaiah was talking about when he said that "the Word would not return void", and is a Law that was actually set into motion when the Spirit of God vibrated over the "face of the deep" in the Original Creation, and set the Law of Genesis (the law that establishes that everything must create after its own kind) into motion...
"As He is, so are we in this world..."
By the same token, forces drawing on vibration for selfish purposes of lust, power, and greed, draw these same forces into themselves, and will receive vibrations that decrease in their frequency level...they will move into lower frequencies as they enter into one’s inner being (soul/spirit), requiring that the individual needs another “fix” of incoming vibration and energy, then another, and another...it's the basic mechanics of addiction, and it is working all the time in (or against) some people...
This month at Metron Community we're talking about creating new realities by changing energy..."A soft answer turns away wrath"..."Turn the other cheek"..."Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good"...all of these concepts from the Scriptures are dealing with changing vibrational energy in personal relationships...
This month at Metron Community we're talking about creating new realities by changing energy..."A soft answer turns away wrath"..."Turn the other cheek"..."Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good"...all of these concepts from the Scriptures are dealing with changing vibrational energy in personal relationships...
In the Laws of Attraction we hear a lot about "Magnetism", which is the drawing of energy...but negative impulses decrease the vibratory rate (Jesus said, "Whatever is born of flesh is flesh, whatever is born of spirit is spirit") while radiance, or what the Scriptures call "Walking in the Light", is the giving forth of positive energy, and increases its vibratory rate...entities who radiate good produce energies which increase into higher frequencies, bringing back good...on the other hand, entities which send out selfish energies magnetically bring back lower vibrational forces to themselves...it's why Jesus would say "Your faith has made you whole" in so many cases of healing...
The Law of Return works in the internal world as effectively as it does in the external world...what you regularly send into the Sub-Conscious mind creates a continual harvest, and keeps the Law of Return working at all times...this is one of the most important functions of the Universal or Cosmic Laws...
It has been proven that the Sub-conscious is not able to distinguish fact from fiction...if it is convinced that a false statement is true, it will unquestioningly act as if it were true ("My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge"..."You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free")...if your Sub-conscious is convinced that you are a failure, it will make sure that you fail...if it receives conflicting data, it will produce conflicting results ("A double-minded man is unstable in all of its ways")...if it is convinced that you can do great and near impossible feats, it will act to make these things occur ("All things are possible to him who believes")...the Quantum Field is fertile ground, and the Sub-Conscious brings your intentions to pass according to the “commands” you give it in the inner monologue, or intimate conversations you have with yourself...
Vickie M Sellers said...
ReplyDeleteAmen I love to read your posts they are amazing and a blessing to read it feeds my soul when I read these words that come from God's child
thanks a million for letting me be your friend on Facebook
Hannah Aaron said...
ReplyDeletePowerful! Amen!
Hannah Aaron said...
ReplyDeleteMy Pastor says to 'prophecy' to your own self, body, soul, health, finances, etc. Whatever the case may be. To speak good things into our lives & future. That there is "life and death" in the power of the tongue. Speak..proclaim...decree..declare God's good blessings...good health..favor...financial blessings...peace...& abundance in every area of our lives... (The Lord Himself came to GIVE US LIFE & LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY) #speaklife #abundance #goodharvest
Christine Williams said...
ReplyDeleteJust went to see my grandson play BB and it was cool but felt nice and I love my pumkin spice coffee. I love all the things that you post, is a joy to read.
Patrick Ray said...
ReplyDeleteThanks Bishop! I needed that today.
DeleteHarolene Mushegan Leguizamon said...
ReplyDeleteThat picture is breathtaking! I would love to be standing in that lane this moment in time!
Thanks, and I know you would...Ken took that earlier this week in N GA...speaking extra strength to you right now...
DeleteHarolene Mushegan Leguizamon said...
DeleteThank you Jim Swilley <3 to you!
Avery Price Rogers said...
ReplyDeletesoaking up as much of the atmosphere, sights, sounds, and smells, as I can... The essence of now living... Let me BE this, Lord. Agreed, Vickie! ...and a 100-fold return to you, Bishop!