"...I've been going to "church" with you and your ministry, online, if you will. I've looked to you as my spiritual Bishop. I was laughing at you recently, where in a recent sermon you said how people write to you and say these very words...how you're the one they refer to as their Pastor. But man oh man, it's true! There's a digital flock out here and you're the Pastor of it Bishop Jim. I know that much to be true. And I'm one of them. Will I ever return to church some day? I don't know. And that's kind of why I'm writing you...No matter what, I thank you for what you're doing. Keep preaching. (As if you'll ever stop). Keep reaching folks all over. Stay encouraged. Know that the Lord is with ya, and you're appreciated for the love and acceptance that you preach. No matter what Bishop...I do know, that I'll keep tuning in.
- JR
Hollywood, CA
"Just more confirmation that God is using you, and you are on the right path!"
"Years ago I told you that you would reach 23,000 people. I actualy said you'd have a church of 23,000. Who knew it wouldn't be contained within walls"
- BG
"Love this! You have an amazing divine gift that can never be questioned! If it is, questioned that is, well then that's on the one who is "listening". (They apparently aren't very good listeners though.
You are da bomb! XOXOXOXO!!!"
- KL
"As someone that wondered around looking for others who were at the same place,
it fills me with peace to know so many that are of like or similar mind."
- JM